
Help applying a fade to background-position change with Jquery

Hi, I'm very new to Jquery but have finally worked out how to change the background-image (a sprite) of my #contentContainer when hovering over a separate 'trigger' image. However, for the life of me I cannot work out how to apply a fade effect to the transition. Basically, instead of the current abrupt background image transition I wou...

how to make chained jquery animations flow between each other?

Hello, Check out this site: Notice the sun go to the top and then to the right. Here is my code: var windowWidth = $(window).width(); var width50 = (windowWidth*0.50)-220; //220 is half the width of the BG image being animated. var width100 = (windowWidth*1); $("#sunnmooncycle").css("backgroundP...

ASP.NET - How can I change the position of a background image when a button is clicked?

I have a standard asp button and on click it triggers: protected void btnDealItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { divMyDiv.Style.Add("background-position", "70px 0"); } Problem is, when the button is clicked the background doesn't shift 70 pixels to the right. Is this the correct way of going about this or is it a question of...

How can I use jQuery to add a fade in hover effect to my nav items?

I'm brand new to jQuery (and JS in general) and I know it is possible to use it to add a fade in effect to my navigation rollovers. Right now I'm using a master background sprite for the nav, and on :hover I'm just adding a background-position rule to shift the sprite down for each item to get my hover effect. But I'd like to use jQuer...

IE8 Css background-position:right is not working fine, as it shows an extra line to right, have nay one faced this issue before?

this happens when i set my background-position to right in IE8 Only... you can see that in the following URL : (Contact Us tab) ...