
Allocating large blocks of memory with new.

I have the need to allocate large blocks of memory with new. I am stuck with using new because I am writing a mock for the producer side of a two part application. The actual producer code is allocating these large blocks and my code has responsibility to delete them (after processing them). Is there a way I can ensure my application i...

How to resolve this bad_alloc problem?

Hello, I'm developing an application that needs to interact over FTP. For this communication I am currently using C++, Visual Studio and Poco on Windows. The following line results in a bad_alloc exception... ftp = new FTPClientSession("", 21); So I went down and tried initializing a StreamSocket first, also fails... Stream...

Operator new and bad_alloc on linux

On Linux, malloc doesn't necessarily return a null pointer if you're out of memory. You might get back a pointer and then have the OOM killer start eating processes if you're really out of memory. Is the same true for c++'s operator new or will you get the bad_alloc exception? ...

Out of memory (?) problem on Win32 (vs. Linux)

I have the following problem: A program run on a windows machine (32bit, 3.1Gb memory, both VC++2008 and mingw compiled code) fails with a bad_alloc exception thrown (after allocating around 1.2Gb; the exception is thrown when trying to allocate a vector of 9 million doubles, i.e. around 75Mb) with plenty of RAM still available (at lea...

How can I debug St9bad_alloc failures in gdb in C?

I have a program failing with: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' what(): St9bad_alloc I imagine it's something to do with malloc/free, but I don't know which one. What breakpoint can I in gdb set that will break on the error so that I can view a stack trace? The program is a combination of C and C++,...

problems with operator new when allocating arrays

Hello! I'm having prblems with my C++/openGL program. at some point of code, like these(it's a constructor): MyObject(MyMesh * m, MyTexture* t, float *c=NULL, float *sr=NULL, int sh=100){ texture=t; mesh=m; subObjects=NULL; texCoords=NULL; if (texture!=NULL){ texCoords=new float[mesh->numSurfacePoints*2]; the new throws an std::bad...

bad_alloc exception when trying to print the values

I've debugged my other problem back, to the MyMesh constructor. In this code: if (hollow) { numTriangles = n*8; triangles=new MyTriangle[numTriangles]; if (smooth) numSurfacePoints=n*8; else numSurfacePoints=n*12; surfacePoints=new SurfacePoint[numSurfacePoints]; }else { numTriangles = n*4; triangles=new MyTr...

Debugging strategy to find the cause of bad_alloc

I have a fairly serious bug in my program - occasional calls to new() throw a bad_alloc. From the documentation I can find on bad_alloc, it seems to be thrown for these reasons: When the computer runs out of memory (which definitely isn't happening, I have 4GB of RAM, program throws bad_alloc when using less than 5MB (checked in taskm...

Why does my program occasionally segfault when out of memory rather than throwing std::bad_alloc?

I have a program that implements several heuristic search algorithms and several domains, designed to experimentally evaluate the various algorithms. The program is written in C++, built using the GNU toolchain, and run on a 64-bit Ubuntu system. When I run my experiments, I use bash's ulimit command to limit the amount of virtual memo...

Bad_alloc exception when using new for a struct c++

Hi, I am writing a query processor which allocates large amounts of memory and tries to find matching documents. Whenever I find a match, I create a structure to hold two variables describing the document and add it to a priority queue. Since there is no way of knowing how many times I will do this, I tried creating my structs dynamical...

c++ stl priority queue insert bad_alloc exception

Hi, I am working on a query processor that reads in long lists of document id's from memory and looks for matching id's. When it finds one, it creates a DOC struct containing the docid (an int) and the document's rank (a double) and pushes it on to a priority queue. My problem is that when the word(s) searched for has a long list, when ...

Mergesort - std::bad_alloc thrown when trying to assign vector.

Good afternoon ladies and gents. So, it is not my day for errors. Implementing Mergesort (not in-place) in C++, and I'm having real trouble with the code, with no idea why. The second-to-last line of the mergeSort() function assigns the result of the merge() to a vector of ints, result. This line (the actual allocation, not the function)...