
MSYSGIT BASH : Execute SQL against MS SQL Server

I'm running MSYSGIT on Windows and I want to be able to execute SQL statements against a SQL server directly from the bash console and bash scripts. Is this possible, and if so, how do I do it? Thanks! ...

How to extract the first word that follows a string?

For example, say I have a text file example.txt that reads: I like dogs. My favorite dog is George because he is my dog. George is a nice dog. Now how do I extract "George" given that it is the first word that follows "My favorite dog is"? What if there as more than one space, e.g. My favorite dog is George ..... Is there a wa...

BASH: how to construct php command by asking for arguments ?

end goal is to have the bash run something like php script.php argument1 argument2 argument3 however, I want to ask the user for argument1,2, and 3. which will construct the above and run it. ...

Bash expr command

Hi everyone, i am trying to make a bash shell script that can add a name value pair to a text file, for example TEST=true. I am trying to make it so if the user tries to add a name that already exists for example TEST=false it does not let them do it. Can anyone tell me how to use the expr command to extract any text before the '=' ch...

Is there a way of having a GUI for bash scripts?

Hello... I have some bash scripts, some simple ones to copy, search, write lines to files and so on. I am an Ubuntu. and I've searched in google, but it seems that everybody is doing that on python. I could do these on python, but since I am not a python programmer, I just know the basics. I have no idea of how calling a sh script from...

Select time intervals from log files using Bash

I need to extract some information from a log file using a shell script (bash). A line from the log file usually looks like this: 2009-10-02 15:41:13,796| some information Occasionally, such a line is followed by a few more lines giving details about the event. These additional lines do not have a specific format (in particular they d...

Removing text using grep

Hi, i am trying to remove a line that contains a particular pattern in a text file. i have the following code which does not work `grep -v "$varName" config.txt` can anyone tell me how i can make it work properly, i want to make it work using grep and not sed ...

BASH: read in while loop

while [ $done = 0 ] do echo -n "Would you like to create one? [y/n]: " read answer if [ "$(answer)" == "y" ] || [ "$(answer)" == "Y" ]; then mkdir ./fsm_$newVersion/trace echo "Created trace folder in build $newVersion" $done=1 elif [ "$(answer)" == "n" ] || [ "$(answer)" == "N" ]; then $done=2 else echo ...

Bash Compound Conditional, With Wildcards and File Existence Check

I've mastered the basics of Bash compound conditionals and have read a few different ways to check for file existence of a wildcard file, but this one is eluding me, so I figured I'd ask for help... I need to: 1.) Check if some file matching a pattern exists AND 2.) Check that text in a different file exists. I know there's lots of way...

shell script (running via cron) to enter password when prompted

Hi, I have a daily cron task which automatically unrars a rar file and processes it's contents, however, the contents are now password protected so i'm wondering if there's a reliable way to echo the password when prompted? The password prompt comes from the UNRAR program i've installed, running on CentOS. Thanks for any help! ...

Best way to extract number of partitions?

Assuming that there are only primary partitions on a disk, what is the best way to find the current number of partitions? Is there any better way than: fdisk -l > temp #Following returns first column of the last line of temp e.g. /dev/sda4 lastPart=$(tail -n 1 temp | awk '{print $1}') totalPartitions=$(echo ${lastPart:8}) $totalParti...

How can I stop crontab from messing up this simple BASH script (and why is it happening)?

I have a strange issue, relating to running a BASH script via cron (invoked via crontab -e). Here is the script: #!/bin/bash SIG1="$(iwconfig wlan0 | awk '/Quality=/ { print $2} ' | cut -c 9-10)" SIG2="$(iwconfig wlan0 | awk '/Quality=/ { print $2} ' | cut -c 12-13)" echo "$SIG1:$SIG2" >> test.txt exit When run from the commandline...

Dynamic elements in bash PS1

I have put the following in my ~/.localsh file to customize my bash prompt when working with git. Basically I want to get the current branch displayed in my terminal. The gitk tool shows branches with green background and black foreground, so thats what I'm trying to do. What I have works, but when I press the up arrow on the keyboard ...

Is Recursive Grep Really Better?; How to Improve PBS-based Bash Script?; and other Questions...

I work in a research group and we use the PBS queuing system. I'm no PBS master, but I wanted to script a search for if a job was running. To do this I first grab a string of all the jobs by using the results of a qstat call as my argument to qstat -f and then taking the detailed list of all jobs and searching it for the submitted file...

Sorting words in lines in a file and output sorted lines again

I want to sort the words on lines in a file line by line and I want the ouptut to be lines with the words sorted alphabetically. for example: queue list word letter gum another line of example words ... I want the output to be: gum letter list queue word another example line of words ... I can't seem to get it to wo...

Bash script to upload first RAR part to ftp, before completion of second part (To Save Time and space)

Hello, i was making a bash script for my server which pack some directories with RAR and upload it to other ftp server, so some folders are big and i have to rar them in parts and have to wait for all parts to be rared before uploading them, which consumes lots of time and space so i want to do it more fast like, upload every rared par...

UNIX BASH: extracting number from string

This is probably a very simple question to an experienced person with UNIX however I'm trying to extract a number from a string and keep getting the wrong result. This is the string: 8962 ? 00:01:09 java This it the output I want 8962 But for some reason I keep getting the same exact string back. This is what I've tried pid=$(e...

Using sed to get an env var from /proc/*/environ weirdness with \x00

I'm trying to grovel through some other processes environment to get a specific env var. So I've been trying a sed command like: sed -n "s/\x00ENV_VAR_NAME=\([^\x00]*\)\x00/\1/p" /proc/pid/environ But I'm getting as output the full environ file. If I replace the \1 with just a static string, I get that string plus the entire environ ...

View line-endings in a text file

I'm trying to use something in bash to show me the line endings in a file printed rather than interrupted. The file is a dump from SSIS/SQL Server being read in by a Linux machine for processing. Is there any switches within vi, less, more, etc? In addition to seeing the line-endings, I need to know what type of line end it is (CRLF or...

Preserving argument spacing, etc when passing into mvn exec:java

I have a shell script that launches a Maven exec:java process - exec mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=... -Dexec.args="$*" Now sadly if I run ./myMagicShellScript arg1 "arg 2" the single string arg 2 doesn't make it through as a single argument as I'd like. Any thoughts as to how to escape / pass things through properly (perferably ...