
Wget creates output file even when page does not exist.

Hi, Is is possible to prevent Wget from making an output file when there is an error like 404. When I run wget -O my.html http://sdfsdfdsf.sdfds http://sdfsdfdsf.sdfds does not exist but Wget still creates my.html I am making a bash script and want to make sure it stops if wget can't get a valid file. ...

To bind clear to ^l in Bash

I would like to have Ctrl-l for clear in my Bash. How can you bind Ctrl-l to clear in Bash? ...

To understand Typeset for PythonPath

One recommends me the following code apparently only in .zshrc without explaining its purpose clearly. typeset -U PYTHONPATH I am interested in how you can use the code in .bashrc. My Bash goes upset about the command. How can you use the command in Bash? ...

Keeping a rake job running

Hi, I'm using delayed_job to run jobs, with new jobs being added every minute by a cronjob. Currently I have an issue where the rake jobs:work task, currently started with 'nohup rake jobs:work &' manually, is randomly exiting. While God seems to be a solution to some people, the extra memory overhead is rather annoying and I'd prefer...

Match folder name from url using regex

I want to match just the folder name that a file is in, eg: pic/2009/cat01.jpg pic/2009/01/cat02.jpg I want to just match what I put in bold. So far I have this: [^/]*/ Which will match, pic/2009/cat01.jpg Any idea? ...

Wait for bash background jobs in script to be finished

To maximize CPU usage (I run things on a Debian Lenny in EC2) I have a simple script to launch jobs in parallel: #!/bin/bash for i in apache-200901*.log; do echo "Processing $i ..."; do_something_important; done & for i in apache-200902*.log; do echo "Processing $i ..."; do_something_important; done & for i in apache-200903*.log; do ec...

Bash scripting: Find all filetypes and paths

Using Bash, how can you traverse folders within specified folder, find all files of specified file type, and every time you find a file, get full file path with file name and full file path without file name as a variables and pass them to another Bash script, execute it, and continue searching for the next file? ...

Is Perl faster than bash?

I have a bash script that cuts out a section of a logfile between 2 timestamps, but because of the size of the files, it takes quite a while to run. If I were to rewrite the script in Perl, could I achieve a significant speed increase - or would I have to move to something like C to accomplish this? #!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then ...

Shell Prompt Line Wrapping Issue

I've done something to break my Bash Shell Prompt in OS X (10.5.7) Terminal. This is the PS1 that I had configured: PS1='\[\e[1;32m\]\h\[\e[0m\]:\[\e[1;34m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\$ ' As far as I can tell I have the color commands escaping correctly. However when I scroll up and down in my command history I often get line wrapping issues if the...

Allowing user to configure cron

I have this bash script on the server that runs every hour, via cron. I was perfectly happy, but now the user wants to be able to configure the frequency through the web interface. I don't feel comfortable manipulating the cron configuration programmatically, but I'm not sure if the other options are any better. The way I see it, I can...

inotifywait command not detecting files but folders it does.

Im trying to use inotifywait to detect every time a file or folder gets moved into a folder in realtime (eg. /root in the case) I tried this, which does detect both folders and files, but this is for a created file, I want it for a moved file/folder. inotifywait --monitor --format %f --event create /root So then I use this, but using...

can xsltproc be used to parse non UTF 8 xml files

I have written a bash shell script that reads a directory and parses all the XML files in it in a for loop. I am taking each XML file and feeding it to xsltproc along with a xsl style sheet. The problem is some xml files are having non UTF 8 characters and the parser is unable to open those files. Parser error is thrown saying that UTF 8...

Find Active Directory users home folder from login hook script in OS X

I need to write a OS X login hook script that is aware of the users current home folder. Since the users are Active Directory users, their home folders are not stored in /Users so I can't simply hard code the full path. Since the login hook is run by a daemon as root, I can not use $HOME, ~, etc either. The only piece of info I have i...

Using a bash script on a Mac to connect to network shares?

I'm using a Mac at work and would like some network shares mounting when i start the computer. Can i use a bash script (or similar) to connect and mount these shares? The shares are from both Windows and Mac servers and we usually connect using IP addresses. ...

Delete a symbolic link when the original folder is deleted

I was thinking of using inotifywait to watch the original folder where the original folders are in, then when ever it detects that a folder has been deleted, then delete the same symbolic link in the other folder. So my question is, is that the best way? Or are there better ways to delete a symbolic link when the original folder gets de...

In a bash script/command how can I make a PC beep noise, or play a sound file?

I have some long running scripts with breaks requiring input/interaction to continue but when I switch to another window I'd like to be notified (by sound) that a task is complete and now awaiting input. I would prefer to be able to play an audio clip (*.mp3, *.ogg, etc.) but wouldn't care if the only solution is to make the PC Speaker ...

Print last 10 rows of specific columns using awk

Hi, I have the below awk command-line argument and it works aside from the fact it performs the print argument on the entire file (as expected). I would like it to just perform the formatting on the last 10 lines of the file (or any arbitrary number). Any suggestions are greatly appreciated, thanks! I know one solution would be to ...

Properly handling spaces and quotes in bash completion

What is the correct/best way of handling spaces and quotes in bash completion? Here’s a simple example. I have a command called words (e.g., a dictionary lookup program) that takes various words as arguments. The supported ‘words’ may actually contain spaces, and are defined in a file called words.dat: foo bar one bar two Here’s my f...

How do a run a bash script on save in NetBeans?

Dear Gurus, I am using NetBeans 6.5 and whenever I save a LessCSS file I would like to run less compiler to compile it to native css. How do I go about achieving this? Many Thanks. Ravi EDIT: I can do a build file as Kim recommended below. I am searching for a solution where I can run an external command. So the question now is How Do ...

Run crontab with user input

Hi, i created a crontab which will run a bash script This file requires some input from the user, and saves the user input into a variable. How do i ensure that the user input will be saved to a variable in, and when crontab runs the script i can get the output i want? for e.g i have 2 files, and file2....