
read file line by line in bash expands special characters

I'm parsing som .html files in bash. I read the in with: while read line do echo $line something... done < $file Now I've expierenced sth. real strange. Some lines in the files contain sth. like Resolution…: 720 * 576 But bash gives me this: Resolution…: 720 576 Bash expands the * char to...

Bash || within if []; block

I have code matching: if [ $LAST_MODIFIED -lt 3600 || ! -f "$i" ]; then wget $WGET_OPTS $BASE$i LAST_MODIFIED=`echo "\`date +%s\` - \`stat -c %Y $i\`" | bc` if [ $LAST_MODIFIED -lt 500 ]; then $FILES_MODIFIED++ fi fi $i is defined via for i in `/bin/grep ".gz" index.html | awk -F\" '{print $2}'` however, bas...

How to implement a stdin, stdout wrapper ?

I have an interactive program that runs stdin and stdout. I need to create wrapper that will send X to it's stdin, check that it prints Y and then redirects wrapper's stdin and stdout to program's stdin and stdout just like program would be executed directly. How to implement this ? X and Y can be hardcoded. Bash? Python? Edit: I can't...

how to automatically ignore files in grep

Is there any way I could use grep to ignore some files when searching something, something equivalent to svnignore or gitignore? I usually use something like this when searching source code. grep -r something * | grep -v ignore_file1 | grep -v ignore_file2 Even if I could set up an alias to grep to ignore these files would be good. ...

How to upload (FTP) files to server in a bash script?

Sorry I'm new to this sort of thing. I'm trying to write a bash script that uploads a file to a server. How can I achieve this? Is a bash script the right thing to use for this? Solution: I ended up using scp to copy the files securely. scp <file to upload> <username>@<hostname>:<destination path> I also set up public key authentica...

How to ssh from within a bash script?

I am trying to create an ssh connection and do some things on the remote server from within the script. However the terminal prompts me for a password, then opens the connection in the terminal window instead of the script. The commands don't get executed until I exit the connection. How can ssh from within a bash script? ...

Kill random process with name

I want a way to kill a random process with a name (eg a random perl process). What would be the best way of doing this? I was thinkign of using something like this: ps aux | grep PROCESS-NAME to a file, then find a random line number, get the second column (process ID?) and kill that. For my use it doesn't actually need to be a ...

Bash Completion: What can we do with it, what lies in the future.

Bash lets you complete commands names and names of files in the arguments with the TAB key. But why not also common options to commands? Why not, even better, a completion system that tells you what an option does, too? I heard of programmable completion.. but don't understand where it fits.. So my question is: is there a way to achiev...

Return a regex match in a BASH script, instead of replacing it

I just want to match some text in a BASH script, i’v tried using sed, but I can’t seem to make it just output the match instead of replacing it with something. echo -E "TestT100String" | sed 's/[0-9]+/dontReplace/g' Which will output: TestTdontReplaceString Which isn’t what I want, I want it to output: 100 Ideally I would want it to...

Make sure int variable is 2 digits long, else add 0 in front to make it 2 digits long

How do I check a int variable ($inputNo) to see if it’s 2 or more decimal digits long? Example: inputNo="5" Should be changed to: 05 inputNo="102" Should be left alone: 102 I thought about using wc and if statements, but wc -m doesn’t seems to give the actual characters passed into wc, as wc always seems to give +1 to the charact...

Bash script and cron anomaly

Hi all, I have a bash script that I am run to check to see if one of my programs has hung, and if it has kill it. The script works fine if ran from the command line, but if I schedule it with cron it does something very strange. Basically the script (below) gets the PID of my program and gets its created date/time from its entry in the ...

split svnversion output in bash

I have this function, works fine, but I would like to rewrite it in bash. the problem is, I have too little knowledge of what's available in bash. #!/usr/bin/python def parse_svnversion(value): """split the output of svnversion into its three components given a string that looks like the output of the command svnversion, ...

Script to test for correct certificate database password

Hello, I'm attempting to write a bash routine that tests whether or not a user's input is the correct password to my certificate database. Originally I imagined I'd first execute a benign certutil or pk12util operation on the certificate database that required a password. Then test the return code to see if it was successful. However,...

bash: history favourites file

hi i have a .bash_favourites file which containes a list of my favourite commands. I would like this be searchable via the normal bash history. ??? thanks Ian ...

Locale-aware uppercase in Bash?

How to make locale aware uppercase operation? Standard tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' trick doesn't work: =$ echo żółw | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]" żółW (it should be ŻÓŁW) I'd rather avoid having to run Perl or anything such heavy-weight. ...

Shell script spawning a process after a delay

How can I spawn a process after a delay in a shell script? I want a command to start 60 seconds after the script starts, but I want to keep running the rest of the script without waiting 60 seconds first. Here's the idea: #!/bin/sh # Echo A 60 seconds later, but without blocking the rest of the script sleep 60 && echo "A" echo "B" echo...

Randomizing arg order for a bash for statement

I have a bash script that processes all of the files in a directory using a loop like for i in *.txt do ops..... done There are thousands of files and they are always processed in alphanumerical order because of '*.txt' expansion. Is there a simple way to random the order and still insure that I process all of the files only once?...

search through a range of directories bash script

Hi, I have written (tried to) this small bash script for searching through a range of directories. #!/bin/bash shopt -s nullglob for file in [ac]*/blarg do echo $file done This script searches through directories starting with "a" through "c" for "blarg". It only goes one level deep. How can I make it step through all directori...

Replace serial in zone files with sed

Hi, I need to replace the serials in my zone files, and I thought the easiest would be to use sed to change this. I have the following line to test. @ IN SOA ( 2006080401 ; serial 8H ; refresh 2H ; retry 1W ; expire 4h) ; minimum ttl NS NS ns...

Opening terminal windows with bash

I do a fair bit of work at the command line. When I start my computer up on of the first things I do is open up a terminal window for mysql, and one for the Rails console and usually a third running mongrel. Setting it up every morning is a bit of a drag so I would like to script it. How can I open a terminal window, log into mysql, sele...