
How can I write an Automator action in bash with files and folders as arguments?

When I create a Automator action in XCode using Bash, all files and folder paths are printed to stdin. How do I get the content of those files? Whatever I try, I only get the filename in the output. If I just select "Run shell script" I can select if I want everything to stdin or as arguments. Can this be done for an XCode project to? ...

Parsing the output of Linux command 'who' in PHP

I've tried parsing a list of users currently connected via SSH to a server, but the results are very irregular, so I was forced to simply do: $users = shell_exec('who'); echo "<pre>$users</pre>"; Is there a better way to parse the output of who in the command line before I let PHP mess around with it? I want it in an array which conta...

Best output format for Xargs

I'm writing a simple program to run through a bunch of files in various directories on my system. It basically involves opening them up and checking for valid XML. One of the options of this program is to list bad xml files. This leads me to my question. What the best output to format this for use with XARGS. I thought putting each ...

Cmdline Bash Variable Weirdness

I want to set an alias like so: alias hi='TEST=ok echo $TEST' However, it doesn't seem to work reliably. I start with: unalias hi unset TEST Then: $ alias hi="TEST=ok echo $TEST" $ hi $ This is on MacOSX: $ bash --version GNU bash, version 3.2.17(1)-release (i386-apple-darwin9.0) Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundatio...

Bash rename extension recursive

I know there are a lot of things like this around, but either they don't work recursively or they are huge. This is what I got: find . -name "*.so" -exec mv {} `echo {} | sed s/.so/.dylib/` \; When I just run the find part it gives me a list of files. When I run the sed part it replaces any .so with .dylib. When I run them together t...

set values to elements of an array in a function

Hi, In a bash script, I would like to put the following code that assigns values to each element of several arrays into a function for (( i=0 ; i < ${#themes[@]} ; i+=1 )); do c_bit_mins[i]=-5 c_bit_maxs[i]=15 gamma_bit_mins[i]=-15 gamma_bit_maxs[i]=3 done i.e. something like function set_values() { for (( i=0 ; i ...

want to set an ls alias, to take parameters

i have the following alias set in my .bashrc: alias la='ls -laG' but i would really like to issue a command thusly: la foo/bar i guess i have to write a shell script? or is there some xargs way? ...

In bash, how can I check if a string begins with some value?

Hi, I would like to check if a string begins with "node" e.g. "node001". Something like if [ $HOST == user* ] then echo yes fi How can I do it correctly? Thanks! UPDATE: Thank you so much! I further need to combine expressions to check if HOST is either "user1" or begins with "node" if [ [[ $HOST == user1 ]] -o [[ $HO...

How to create folders using file names and then move files into folders?

I have hundreds of text files in a folder named using this kind of naming convention: Bandname1 - song1.txt Bandname1 - song2.txt Bandname2 - song1.txt Bandname2 - song2.txt Bandname2 - song3.txt Bandname3 - song1.txt ..etc. I would like to create folders for different bands and move according text files into these folders. How could ...

Java redirect exception to file

I want to redirect FULL output of my program to a file (including Exceptions) in bash. I can't change content of class. I run it like that: java -Xmx16M -Xms2M -cp /var/tomcat/bin/ Main > File Exceptions are send to console, which is bad for me. Can I do something with it? ...

Ignore/prune hidden directories with GNU find command

When using the find command, why is it that the following will successfully ignore hidden directories (those starting with a period) while matching everything else: find . -not \( -type d -name ".?*" -prune \) but this will not match anything at all: find . -not \( -type d -name ".*" -prune \) The only difference is the question mark...

Webapp update shell script

I feel silly asking this... I am not an expert on shell scripting, but I am finally in enough of a sysadmin role that I want to do this correctly. I have a production server that hosts a webapp. Here is my routine. 1 - ssh to server 2 - cd django_src/django_apps/team_proj 3 - svn update 4 - sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart 5 - logout ...

Is it possible to detect *which* trap signal in bash?

Hello,when using something like trap func_trap INT TERM EXIT with func_trap () { ...some commands... } is there a way in the function block to detect which trap has called it? Something like func_trap () { if signal = INT then do this else do that fi } Or do I need to write a seperate function for each trap typ...

solaris echo " [ " character problem

i have bash script such as for i in `echo a [ matched.lines` do echo $i done why output of this script below a [ matched.lines i want output text as it is a [ matched.lines how can i do that thanks for help ...

how to call bash script

I have script like: #!/bin/bash echo Hellow world! and I don't know how to call in terminal. ...

How to change icon/emblem of a directory from bash

I'm playing around with get_iplayer (fantastic) it's running every few hours to grab any new episodes of whatever.... After it has finished grabbing anything new i'd like to change the emblem of ~/Videos to add a plus or star (nautilus emblem preferably) Do i go about this via nautilus? Do i need to change something in gnome-config? I'...

For loop in Bash Script

lets say we were to use standard bash terminology to write a for loop which loops srm to securely erase a item on your drive. Now lets say we set it to iterate 10 times, after it is done the first iteration, How can it still work on the file? The file should no longer exist, so how can It erase it? Not a question specific to srm, anyt...

Simple way to convert 00:20:40.28 (hours:minutes:seconds.split seconds) to seconds

Whats an easy way to convert 00:20:40.28 to seconds with a bash script? (Split seconds can be cut out, it’s not essential.) ...

Un*x shell script: what is the correct way to run a script for at most x milliseconds?

I'm not a scripting expert and I was wondering what was an acceptable way to run a script for at most x milliseconds (and yet finish before x milliseconds if the script is done before the timeout). I solved that problem using Bash in a way that I think is very hacky and I wonder if there's a better way to do it. Basically I've got on...

Run cronjob as user to change desktop background in Ubuntu

I am trying to run this script which changes my desktops background to a random picture in a directory. It works from the command line, and the cronjob gets run (added output and it gets spit out to a log file), but I can't get it to change my background. Here's my current line (set to run every minute for testing). 01 * * * * username ...