
Generating classes using XSD without base class in each one

Not sure what the appropriate tags are here... A while back I created a batch script which, when run will convert all .xsd files found in C:\api\ into C# classes using the xsd.exe file found in the Microsoft Windows SDK (using v6.1 here). @ECHO OFF CLS ECHO *** ECHO Runs xsd.exe on all *.xsd files sorted by filename in the current fold...

Is it possible to have a stateless timed function.

I'm trying to set a reminder in a system to fire at a certain time. This is a web based app, so it's not like it will be in memory all the time. Ideally I'd like to avoid using a service or job on the server(mainly out of curiosity, to see if there is a more efficient way to do it) For example, imagine how many Ebay bids are constantl...

batch concatenating of png images to single file.

Hi, I want create texture atlas(matrix of images) from multiple images.Is their any applescript that can create image matrix. ...

Delphi 5 IDE command-line return codes

I am attempting to automate some legacy Delphi 5 builds with an MSBuild script, and am having trouble capturing errors. Thinking there was some issue with the MSBuild passing, I also tried a batch file and am still receiving back passes (0) when the build should fail (1). %2 is the path to delphi and %3 is the project name. REM delphi...

Stupid Batch File Behavior. Tries to execute comments

I have tried prefixing lines with semicolons, 'REM', etc.. but no matter what when I run my batch file I keep getting "unknown command REM whatever" ...

batch script to find a particular folder in a drive

hi ,am a newbie to the batch script, i have many folders called LIB in my drive say it can be as LIB_data,lib,lib_ac anything that starts with lib or LIB... i want to list all these directories and sort them in which they have created in the pc and copy the latest directory contents to BATCH_LATEST_LIB_FILES folder,that will be a new fol...

Batch : script deleting itself

I have a .bat script launching a java program. The java program deletes the folder where the .bat sits. I have no way to touch the java program. I only can modify the .bat file. The problem is that the .bat file, once deleted, stops its execution right away without finishing. But there are some cleanup tasks to be done after the java ...

Batch UTF-8 Validation Tool?

Anyone know an app/service/method that I could use to validate a bunch of XML files for UTF-8? Basically I have a ton of XML files that are suppose to be UTF-8 and some of them happen to contain some bogus characters causing them not to render right in the content viewer. I know I can check one at a time with methods found in this answ...

Cognos LAE Backup Automation (Batch File?)

Within Cognos 7.4 security.. one would create an LAE file to export all their users... directions here... Now you'll notice at the bottom "Finally, it is possible to build an automated process for this task, however this is outside of the scope o...

Batch File/Script to delete Several non sequential lines from text file(s)

I have read the suggestion listed here. The batch file solution seems to work untill i get to about 5 ignore conditiobal strings and then the output starts to ignore very large sections of the text files(s) even things it shouldn't. Basically...

Windows Shell Scripting: Check for batch options containing double quotes...

Greetings, dear Experts! I want to check the existense of parameter (or argument) sting at all in my batch script: if "%*"=="" findstr "^::" "%~f0"&goto :eof This works fine if none of parameters is enclosed in double quotes. For example: test.bat par1 par2 ... --- works but test.bat "par 1" par2 ... --- fails My question are: ...

PSFTP not executing all batch-file commands

Hi, I have a batch-file with commands to upload my web-app code to its production server, from my dev machine (Windows XP S3) to the live one (CentOS). It cleans, minifys and unifys HTML, CSS and Javascript files. Then it FTPs everything to the server. I'm using vsftpd ssh (server) and PSFTP.exe (client). It connects ok, but when proce...

When executing batch file from Java Runtime, native DOS commands fail to run

When I execute the batch file directly in DOS, everything runs as expected. But when I execute the batch file from Java runTime, it will run only the commands that invoke jar files (ie. invoke the JVM). It does not run any native dos commands. One problem is that I have no console to know why this is happening. I'm wondering if it's...

Set a path variable with spaces in the path in a Windows .cmd file or batch file

I'm new to script writing and can't get this one to work. I could if I moved the files to a path without a space in it, but I'd like it to work with the space if it could. I want to extract a bunch of Office updates to a folder with a .cmd file. To make the batch file usable on any computer, I set a path variable which I only have t...

batch echo pipe symbol causing unexpected behaviour

I have a variable in my batch file and it contains the pipe symbol (this one: |) so when I echo the variable I get an error about a unrecognized internal/external command. I need a way to either get it to echo it correctly or better yet remove everything after and including the | symbol as well as any extra spaces before it. ...

find value in a.txt , put it as an input in b.txt using batch

Hi guys, I am looking for your help on the following. I am going to read a value in a.txt, and put it as an input for b.txt The problem is, in a.txt, the value will keep changing due to iteration process. So, it is better to point a pointer to WHERE the value will appear. Ex. (as in a.txt file) X = 12345 so, i would like to point wh...

run Matlab in batch mode

Hi It seems to me that there are two ways to run Matlab in batch mode: the first one: unset DISPLAY matlab > matlab.out 2>&1 << EOF plot(1:10) print file exit EOF The second one uses option "-r MATLAB_command": matlab -nojvm -nosplash -r MyCommand Are these two equivalent? What does "<< EOF" and the last "EOF" mean in...

Modern Batch Processing in Linux

What tools, languages, and infrastructure do you use for do batch processing in Linux? I am looking for something that facilitate the tasks of: Process files Log Validation Job Controlling (start,strop,reestart a process) Mysql Connection Thanks for any help! ...

How to delete multiple db entities with Nhibernate?

What is the best practice for this problem? Is there any batching features built-in? Sample code: using (ITransaction transaction = _session.BeginTransaction()) { _session.Delete("FROM myObject o WHERE o.Id = IN(1,2,...99999)"); transaction.Commit(); } Thanks in advance. ...

Math on batch (win)

Hello, i am developing a CMD batch kind of thing. Now, i want to do some math in it. This formula: (x+1)100:y or for guys who are not so good in math: x+1, answer times 100, answer devided by y. So in batch, x = %x%, and y = %y%. So, i know how to set the variables. Now, how can batch calculate this? (WINDOWS CMD) Do i need some...