
Show SOME invisible/whitespace characters in Eclipse

A long while back I transitioned to doing all my web application development in Eclipse from BBEdit. But I miss one little feature from BBEdit. I used to be able to show invisible characters like tabs but not show other invisibles like spaces. I know that I can bulk turn all of these on in Eclipse, but I wonder if there is a way to show ...

Escape double quotes of HTML attributes output by PHP

Often when writing PHP I'll have it output some HTML like this - echo "<a href="../" title="link title">".$link_text."</a>"; Obviously this won't parse as I need to escape the double quotes in the attributes of the <a> element. Is there a regex that would quickly do this rather than me manually adding the backslashes? One other thing...

Help with grep in BBEdit

I'd like to grep the following in BBedit. Find: <dc:subject>Knowledge, Mashups, Politics, Reviews, Ratings, Ranking, Statistics</dc:subject> Replace with: <dc:subject>Knowledge</dc:subject> <dc:subject>Mashups</dc:subject> <dc:subject>Politics</dc:subject> <dc:subject>Reviews</dc:subject> <dc:subject>Ratings</dc:subject> <dc:subject...

Is there a truly universal wildcard in Grep?

Really basic question here. So I'm told that a dot . matches any character EXCEPT a line break. I'm looking for something that matches any character, including line breaks. All I want to do is to capture all the text in a website page between two specific strings, stripping the header and the footer. Something like HEADER TEXT(.+)FOOTER...

Mac source control option with both working and live repositories being remote?

I've been doing LAMP development for roughly ten years now. I've occasionally used CVS and SVN. I code mostly with BBEdit. I am trying to setup some sort of source control to manage LAMP web apps. I prefer not to have a local repository. I usually have a dev server and a live server. I am looking for a source control option that will wo...

Timestamps with SVN (using BBedit/Texmate)

Is there a way to auto insert a time stamp into a document (html/css/ js/php/pl/txt) with every commit? ...

Removing set of tags from within another set, using regular expressions

Hello, I've got a big XML file I'm editing with BBEdit. Within the XML file, which is a digital recreation of an old diary, is text that is enclosed in note tags. <note>Example of a note.</note> Some note tags, however, have quotations enclosed in quote tags nested in them. <note>Example of a note, but <quote>"here is a quotation w...

Regular expression remove tag after a paragraph with a given class

Is there a way to select all <br> tags that follow a paragraph with a given class? i.e. <p class="myclass">This is a paragraph</p><br> There may be other <br> in the HTML so I cannot use this: br {display:none;} and I cannot delete all <br> tags. If there is a way to select these particular <br> tags then I can use CSS. There are a...