
How can the DBase driver version in the BDE Administrator be 5.0?

One of my programs stopped working on a customer site. I tracked it down to a BDE problem. Over the phone I went through the BDE configuration in BDE Administrator and the only thing that does not look correctly is the entry "Version" under \Configuration\Drivers\Native\DBASE It should say "4.0" but on that box it says "5.0". As far a...

Error: 536 Error in File <report filename> Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters.

Hi I am getting the above error on a client's machine when executing the following code for i := 0 to crpe.Subreports.Count - 1 do for j:=0 to crpe.Subreports[i].Tables.Count - 1 do crpe.Subreports[i].Tables[j].Path := path; crpe.Subreports[0]; {This line points the VCL back to the main Report} for i := 0 to crpe.Tabl...