
Windows 7 does not fire DISPID_BEFORENAVIGATE2 event?

I have a BHO that is supposed to intercept the DISPID_BEFORENAVIGATE2 events when Windows Explorer is browsing the local disks. It works well in XP and Vista, but stopped working in Windows 7 RC. Turns out, Windows 7 RC stopped sending the DISPID_BEFORENAVIGATE2 events when the local folders are browsed! It does send other events to my...

BeforeNavigate2 does not return URL parameters

I have a C++ program that display a browser using the Microsoft WebBrowser control. I pass hints in the URL parameters to the code so that alternative actions can be taken rather then simply allowing the browser to navigate to the new page. For example, I might pass the URL "WRITE.EXE?RUN" to indicate that I want to run the executable i...