Hey Fellow Rstaters,
I'm working on a script that creates a package in the current directory (using pdInfoBuilder from BioConductor), and I'd like to install it while the script is running. install.packages() with repo=NULL seems like an obvious choice, but this seems to only except package directories tarballed and gzipped. Is there a ...
Dear all,
I'm trying to generate GOFrame objects to generate a gene ontology mapping in R for unsupported organisms (see http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/GOstats/inst/doc/GOstatsForUnsupportedOrganisms.pdf).
However, following the instructions literally doesn't help me.
Here's the code I execute (R 2.9.2 on u...
Hi all,
I was curious to know if there is any bioinformatics tool out there able to process a multiFASTA file giving me infos like number of sequences, length, nucleotide/aminoacid content, etc. and maybe automatically draw descriptive plots.
Also an R BIoconductor solution or a BioPerl module would do, but I didn't manage to find anyth...
HI all,
I was trying to load a certain amount of Affymetrix CEL files, with the standard BioConductor command (R 2.8.1 on 64 bit linux, 72 GB of RAM)
But I keep getting this message:
Error in read.affybatch(filenames = l$filenames, phenoData = l$phenoData, :
allocMatrix: too many elements specified
What's th...
I need to create an object of type ShortReadQ from Bioconductor's ShortRead library.
ShortReadQ 'signature(sread = "DNAStringSet", quality =
"QualityScore", id = "BStringSet")'
The quality slot needs to be an object inheriting from QualityScore, of which I can easily determine from another ShortReadQ object that I wish to em...
I have a data.frame in R. It contains a lot of data : gene expression levels from many (125) arrays. I'd like the data in Python, due mostly to my incompetence in R and the fact that this was supposed to be a 30 minute job.
I would like the following code to work. To understand this code, know that the variable path contains the full pa...
First off, this may be the wrong Forum for this question, as it's pretty darn R+Bioconductor specific. Here's what I have:
GDS = getGEO('GDS785')
cd4T = GDS2eSet(GDS)
cd4T <- cd4T[!fData(cd4T)$symbol == "",]
Now cd4T is an ExpressionSet object which wraps a big matrix with 19794 rows (probesets) and 15 columns...