
[C#] How to play a running video from 1sec - 20sec in Blend/WPF

To play a video for just 20sec out of the whole video in Blend/WPF using C# language? Thanks. ...

How to write coding for video

What is the coding to check whether the nested if statement is true or not? if (treeViewItem.IsSelected == true) { img3_a.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; img3_b.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; Video.Source = new Uri(@".\step_3.wmv", UriKind.Relative); Video.Play(); ...

[C#] Possible to add a marker on the video/time slider in Microsoft Expression Blend?

I want to add a marker on the slider in Microsoft Expression Blend, for example, when I play the whole video (total got 4 different parts), there will be 3 markers on/below/near the video slider to show the user when/where is the next part of the video. Is it possible to do that and how? Thanks. ...

Is it possible to have timeline marker / add image to the slider in WPF using Blend?

I have research on my question but it seem like only silverlight have timeline marker.. I want to show the user when is the next part of the video going to start at on the video slider but I really got no idea how to do it. Or is it possible to add images near the slider, to show user where/when will be the next video parts going to star...

A blinking button on wpf application

i have application that writing on wpf (c#) the application have style manger that i have build on blend. my problem is this i got a login button that blink and i dont find where is at and how to remove at. the style code of the login box here: <Style x:Key="LoginBoxGrid" TargetType="{x:Type Grid}"> <Setter Property="Background...

ColorAnimation Gradient On WPF

<LinearGradientBrush x:Key="BrushPrincipalBorderBlue" EndPoint="1.3,1" StartPoint="-0.2,0"> <GradientStop Color="#FF030637" Offset="1"/> <GradientStop Color="#FF0E0F31" Offset="0.166"/> <GradientStop Color="#FF2E2F70" Offset="0.629"/> <GradientStop Color="#FF030637" Offset="0.63"/> </LinearGradientB...