
generating preview of BMP Image

Hi, I am working on a Media up-loader which uploads images to Server. Before start upload file i want to show small thumbnail of Image. I used Loader class to load image selected by user & used Canvas to draw image on it. This works fine with images like jpg & png. But for bmp file loader class doesn't work. Is there anyway to load ...

int pixels array to bmp in java

How do i create new bmp image in java from int array that contains pixels (from getPixel() of pixelGrabber class) ? Thanks ...

BMP decoding in JavaScript and drawing to Explorer Canvas

I need to download a BMP with JavaScript and render it to the screen, in Internet Explorer. First off, yes, I know this is insane, I'm not going to get into why, let's just accept for a moment that img src is not working because of security constraints, but an ajax request with the proper authentication in the post will pull back the im...

How to load .bmp file into BitmapImage class Tkinter python

I'm unable to find any way to load .bmp file into Tkinter() so that I can use it in a canvas widget!Plz help me! from Tkinter import * from PIL import Image import ImageTk import tkFileDialog import tkMessageBox root=Tk() class lapp: def __init__(self,master): w=Canvas(root,width=300,height=300) w.pack() p=Image.ope...

Convert .BMP to .PNG with PHP

I needed to be able to convert different image formats to the .PNG format. With the help of some others, I was able to make that happen. The only issue is, I also need to be able to convert .BMP files to .PNG without the use of ImageMagick. Here is the code I used for the conversion of other files: <?php $filename = "myfolder/test.jpg...

BufferedImage to BMP in Java

I have a BufferedImage object and I want to encode it to the BMP format and save it to disk. How do I do this? In Jpeg it's ok: BufferedImage img; //here is an image ready to be recorded into the hard disk FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("image.jpg"); JPEGImageEncoder jencoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEnco...

Quick loading and display of images in a picturebox.

I need to load 101 bitmaps from the filesystem (they can't be built into the app as a resource as they will be changed for each run of the program) into a windows form application picturebox sequentially based on short duration timer events (500ms give or take) . Essentially it should work like a slow animation but it is critical that e...

How to create a thumbnail of .BMP file ?

I use imagecreatefromjpeg, imagecreatefromgif, and imagecreatefrompng functions to create thumbnails of image/jpeg, image/gif, and image/png mimes. I would like also to create thumbnails of .BMP files. I checked one file and found out that its mime is image/x-ms-bmp. However, I cannot find an appropriate imagecreatefrom... function. ...