
Good Bison Books Recommendation

Hello, I'm now going to do the things right, now I'm going to learn how to develop a compiled language using Bison by books, then I want some books recommendations(better if I can have they for Kindle). ...

Did you have ego problems with reading books of `Headfirst` series?

Hello, I never read any headfirst book. I just borrowed 'Headfirst Java' from my friend. I've conflicting opinions. C'mon I'm not a kid or or idot so stupid that I have to understand things from book filled with pictures and all that dude language. But its fun to read. I absolutely love those pictures. Even my little sister in 6th gr...

please suggest a good .NET Webservice book

Dear All, can u please suggest a good .NET webservice book? I do have basic knowledge in web service. ...

Good book on computer vision algorithms in C++ (with easy to understand code samples)

I am in the beginning stages of learning about machine vision/edge detection etc. I want to master this specialist area and my language of choice is C++. I am looking at various books on the internet for one to buy but can't find one which is good and covers things such as Sobel algorithm and is in C++. Can anyone recommend a book? The ...

Hobbyist - Developer Book Recommendations

It will be a gift for a family member. He's older, a retired school teacher and likes to tinker with programming mostly as a mental exercise to stop the old brain cells from gelatinizing. I've seen him make some pretty creative and moderately complex games in BASIC (QBASIC to be precise), and I believe he's making the hop to VB.NET this...

Can someone point me to good articles on intermediate-level Perl syntax and idioms?

As a non-English native, I used to make a lot of English grammatical and idiomatic mistakes. For example, I would write "I will can climb Mt Everest." instead of "I will be able to climb Mt Everest" and "students learn more knowledge in school" instead of "students lean more in school". Now I'm learning Perl as my first programming langu...

Books for an aspiring software architect.

I've slightly more than 7 years of work experience designing and developing distributed systems in largely C++ (and some Perl) at a very large internet firm and am currently in the role of a technical lead. The next step for me is to either be an engineering manager or an architect. I've chosen the path of an architect (for all the reaso...

which book is better to learn dbms...

which book is better to learn dbms... Elmasri & Navathe or Raghu Ramakrishnan ??? ...

Books on hiring technical people?

I've just finished reading "Smart, and Gets Things Done" and while entertaining and byte-sized ;-) I found it a little US-centric and slightly less applicable to workplaces that are "only" above-average instead of rockstar--at-work places. I'm looking for more books on how to hire technical people. The only other one that has been reco...

C# books that cover 'real world' uses

Background Very few of the .NET and C# books I've read actually cover real world examples and uses for C#. For example we learn about collections and other useful aspects of the language but I haven't seen a book that explains when to use them. Question Is there a book that covers real world uses for various parts of the C# language ...

Book that teaches functional programming

Is there a book that teaches functional programming, without being a tutorial for an FP language? I am looking for more theoretical stuff. ...

Standard and Interesting Books for IT & Engineering

Hello all, I am a Computer Engineer, fresh off graduation, and I would like to educate myself on a broad range of technological fields and aspects. I am the kind of person who is easily distracted while reading from a screen, and so I would like to ask fellow daniweb members about the best books for computer related topics. I consider my...

Rails and beyond

I feel like I'm an intermediate-advanced Rails programmer. I've written some small client apps. However, I feel like I'm missing something. I don't really understand HTTP; what a web server is; how networking works; what Mongrel is beyond just "script/server". Are there any good books to explain what HTTP is and other stuff I'm missing o...

Java book for programmer with intermediate experience

I am well aware of this previous question here and have heard great things about those books. I actually bought two of them, Effective Java and Java in a Nutshell as an early Christmas present. I am looking for a good Java book, or books, to further continue my understanding of Java from a recent college graduate point of view. I have ...

Data compression algorithms books?

I'm looking for a good book on data compression algorithms (huffman, LZW etc), preferably with example code (on CD or website) in C, C++ or python. Found these on Amazon: they both look pretty good but pricey (so I'd only buy one). Introduction to Data Compression, Third Edition Data Compression: The Complete Reference Any recommend...

Java/JVM for C++ programmer?

What books can you recommend for learning Java for a C++ programmer? Also what do you recommend to read for learning JVM features for using JVM-based languages effectively? ...

Developing my own RDBMS

I've always been fascinated by how these huge RDBMS servers can work for months, shuffling data all around without losing it, perform all kinds of queries and generally being very complex beasts. I understand how much effort it takes to create even something as "simple" as SQLite, but I cannot resist the desire to try and develop my own...

Good literature about making a VM

I'm interested in making a Virtual Machine that would translate my opcode into an executable form. But I'm unsure where to start. So, are there any good books or links about design and inner workings of VMs, that you could recommend? I'm looking from anything from intermediate to advanced level. ...

Whats a good php book for a starting programmer in Hebrew

Hi, My brother is in 7th grade, I think it's time for him to learn php. His English is not so good. So something in Hebrew will be very appreciated. Thanks. ...

Improve web developer skills - A practical approach

Hello to everybody! I'm trying to improve my programming skills as web developer (still junior) and to accomplish that I do a lot of practice; but I know that should be a good practice to read and to study on some code written by professional programmers! Until now, I have read only books (about PHP MySQL and a bit of JavaScript) that ...