
C# Design guidance for generic image processing library.

Hi all, In any image processing library there is always the issue of having to provide an implementation of every single algorithm for every single image format (color space, channels, bit depth, mem layout, etc). One very elegant solution to the problem is Boost GIL. Through the power of C++, and a great design, all of these issues are...

How to make Boost::GIL work with PNG & JPEG IO?

Boost::GIL has almost perfect tutorial and manual. I find it troublesome to lack guide on building and using Boost::GIL work with PNG & JPEG IO. Does anyone have experience or have successfully did that? Please kindly advise! Thanks! EDIT: Answer lies here: ...

How to extract channel POD-type from a boost::gil homogeneous pixel type ?

I have a class templated on <PIXEL>, assumed to be one of boost::gil's pixel types (for now, only either gray8_pixel_t or gray16_pixel_t, and I only expect to support homogeneous pixel types e.g rgb8_pixel_t in future). The class needs to get hold of unsigned char or unsigned short as appropriate to the pixel type; I assume this is buri...

Boost GIL image constructors

Hi guys, I'm currently trying to figure out how to use the Generic Image Library included in Boost. Right now, I just want to use the library to store pixel data and use the Image IO to write PNGs. I'm having trouble understanding just how to set up the object however. The hpp says image(const point_t& dimensions, std::size_t al...

boost::gil Interleaved_view

Hi guys, I'm having some trouble figuring out the boost image library. I could not find any exact documentation on how to use the interleaved_view function included in the boost::gil library. More specifically, I don't know exactly what binary format the raw data is supposed to be stored in. The only mention of it I could find was in...

Should I use Boost.GIL or is it dead?

I actually like the clean approach of Boost.GIL, standardized libraries are cool and Adobe certainly put some thought in it but when comparing to libs such as OpenCV its feature set is marginal. Do you use GIL and for what purposes? ...