
PBGL Compile error on windows.

I am trying to build the PBGL’s boost_graph_mpi on windows 7 64bit. I generated the project files for VS 8/9/10, however the build has consistently shown compile errors: distributed_property_map.hpp(240): error C3855: 'boost::parallel::detail::associative_cache_ghost_cell_storage': template parameter 'Associativity' is incompatible w...

Algorithm for the Planarization of a non-planar Graph

Is there a popular algorithm for the planarization of a non-planar graph. I'm currently planning to implement a Orthogonal Planar Layout algorithm for undirected graphs in Boost ( Boost Graph Library ). BGL has an implementation to check the planarity of an undirected graph ( Boyer-Myrvold Planarity Testing ) and I plan to use the plana...

Using bundled properties as the weight map in dijkstra_shortest_paths

Perhaps this is a stupid question, but I'm trying to use BGL's dijkstra_shortest_paths, and, in particular, to use a field of my Edge bundled property as the weightmap. My attempts have currently led to tens of pages of compiler errors, so I'm hoping that someone knows how to help me. This is essentially what my code looks like: struct ...

BGL concurrent read accesses problem

I need to iterate over the vertices and edges of a BGL adjacency_list from several threads. Which would be an efficient way to do that, provided that the graph is large (mutex..)? The BGL methods don't support reentrant calls? ...

How to access the ancestor vertex during a breadth-first search with the Boost Graph Library?

Hello everybody here, I'm trying to write my own version of connected components discovery using the breadth-first search algorithm included in the Boost Graph Library and I need to access the ancestor (the vertex which leads to the discovery of the current vertex) vertex from withing the discover_vertex callback of my visitor to se...

calling boost::undirected_dfs from a constant context

I have a class that contains a BGL graph. I'd like to traverse the graph in a constant context. For example, I might want an accessor function to report if the graph is cyclic. As soon as I make my dfs function const the code won't compile. Here's a minimal example: #include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp> #include <boost/graph/undir...

Creating a spanning tree using BGL

I have a BGL graph and want to create a spanning tree using BGL. Starting from a specified vertex, I want to add the shortest edge to my graph which connects with this vertex. From there on, I want to always pick the shortest edge which connects with the graph which exists thus far. So, I want to add the constraint that every new edge ...

Passing only an element of a std::vector property to a BGL algorithm

I have a graph with multiple edge weightings stored as namespace boost { enum edge_weightvector_t { edge_weightvector = 1337 }; BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY(edge, weightvector); } typedef boost::adjacency_list< boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS, boost::no_property, boost::property<boost::ed...