
Using Zend_Controller_Router_Route to create friendly URLs for the actions in IndexController

In my IndexController, I currently have indexAction (homepage), loginAction and logoutAction. I'm trying to remove "/index/" from the URL to get instead of What is the cleanest way to achieve this? Is there a RegEx we can use? I don't ever want /index/ in the URL. My current solution, which I...

drupal bootstrap script: how to get list of all nodes of type x?

hi. I create a custom import and export, at the moment as an external script (via bootstrap), i plan to create a module in a more generic fashion lateron. I am building a frontend for nagios and for our host management and nagios configuration btw. Maybe it might become useful for other environments (networkmanagement) Now i need to ...

How to indicate zend framework where my custom classes are

I have a folder with custom classes in a ZF 1.10 application. The folder is located in /library. How can I tell ZF where they are? Both application.ini and index.php set the path to the library but then ZF can't find the files. Thank you ...

zend_acl: Adding extra resources dynamically and getting a param predispatch

First sorry about the woffle as I'm not sure how best to describe this. Basically I am not sure how I can get param in the bootstrap before the controller is loaded, but here is the long winded version... I have got an acl class storing all my default resources in. All my page/post content is a database and I want the admin the ability ...

Problem with bootstrap loader and kernel

We are working on a project to learn how to write a kernel and learn the ins and outs. We have a bootstrap loader written and it appears to work. However we are having a problem with the kernel loading. I'll start with the first part: bootloader.asm: [BITS 16] [ORG 0x0000] ; ; all the stuff in between ; ; the bottom of ...

What is the correct way to bootstrap Drupal with Kohana 3?

Hi, I am trying to implement single sign on between an existing Drupal site a Kohana 3 based webapp. Ideally I would like to load Drupal's session information into $GLOBALS using the bootstap: require_once('../includes/'); drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_SESSION); A post on the Kohana forum suggested that this should b...

PHP: prevent invocation of method X from from context != Y

This is a tricky one. I am "emulating" ZF Bootstrapping (surface appearance). Don't ask me why, call it academic interest. So I have a Bootstrap Abstract with a method "run" that iterates over itself to locate any methods prefixed with "init". The application looks for a user defined class which extends this class, in which the user ...

Controlling the order of PicoContainer startup

I have been tasked with doing some refactoring work on how we start up applications. Basically we have a bunch of console apps which were depending on the GUI application startup code, causing bogus dependencies which have kick-on effects for which libraries we need to ship, and which dependencies other modules need to declare. So I ha...

WiX - create a bootstrap that passes arguments to the msiexec

I need to create a bootstrap for my WiX project I've tried using setupbld.exe but it will only allow me to create an executable that will show my UI or one that will behave as a silent installer but not both. I need to be able to run the resulting executable with argument that will tell it wether or not to show the UI during installat...

Problem getting at the goodies (specifically, serverURL) in my Grails Config.groovy at runtime?

Similar to question 198365, I'm trying to access serverURL in Config.groovy, during bootstrap. Using code from that question/answer, I'm getting a value of null. Is there something else I'm missing? import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ConfigurationHolder; def serverURL = ConfigurationHolder.config.grails.serverURL; ...

[Zend Framework] Is there any way to use more than 1 bootstrap class?

It should sound workaround or something like, but I'll tell you what: I chose to have a separated "project" with every library I could use. It's like a global library which I included Zend library, Doctrine ORM, JQuery, Blueprint CSS, etc. Then I set the include path. Nothing wrong. The problem is: I'd like to have also a global bootst...

How to render or include files/data in bootstrap.groovy?

I want to use some parts of code in different area of bootstrap.groovy. How do I "include" these parts and reuse it? def init = { environments { production { include("bla.groovy) include("blaFoo.groovy) } test { include("blaFoo.groovy) } development { ...

Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Chain more routes - more problems

When i use only langRoute and moduleRoute i have not any problems. But when i add pageRoute it is not work properly. I have tried many another ways do it (Regex etc) but none gives the desired result. Can anybody help me? $front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance(); $router = $front->getRouter(); //Route_page needs dispatcher and req...

How to load kernel into memory, from an ISO.

Hello fellow nerds! At compile-time I link my Assembly bootstrap together with my kernel, into an *.img file, which I then convert into an *.iso image using MagicISO. I then boot from this *.iso image. But the problem is that I want to read the second sector of the file (the kernel) into memory at 0x1000. But I only know how to do so, wi...

How to get grails datasource createdb property in bootstrap

I'd like to make my Bootstrap dependant on the createdb property in the grails DataSource.groovy file. When the setting is 'create', new Master Data should be generated, if the setting is 'update', none. I've found GrailsDataSource in the Grails API which also has a method getCreateDb, but I don't know how to access it from the Bootstra...

Zend framework - Where to Initialize session when the router needs access to it

Hi. I work in a project which uses the session a lot. We have a db handler (the standard one from Zend) and currently i have this initialization (db handler + session start) in a plugin for the preDispatchLoop. Previously it was in preDispatch but because of it being called for each action (included those in the 'forwarded' action, it ca...

[zend] best practice on rendering several views based on same dynamic data

HI all, I would like to have some input on the following: I would like some views to be systematically rendered (I can call $this->render from my layout for these views) regardless of which controller/action is executed. However the content used in these views is based on the same dynamically generated data and the code behind it is q...

how to display grails error from bootstrap

Hi, I just found annoying bug from my bootstrap.groovy. If I did a mistake for example, like undeclared variable, the apps keep running and then when I tried to access the apps from web it will display HTTP Status 404 - type Status report message description The requested resource () is not available. Apache Tomc...

Grails bootstrap on integration tests

Hi, Im trying to insert some test data into my database, for which a class called BootStrapTest does the work. In my BootStrap.groovy file its called like this environments { test { println "Test environment" println "Executing BootStrapTest" new BootStrapTest().init() ...

Webapp bootstrap code in Tomcat

Hi all, I'm developing a Java webapp using Spring, Spring Security, Tomcat and MySQL. Right now I'm still in a phase where I'm making fairly frequent changes to the database as well as recreating the database to purge test data. Ultimately, this won't be an issue, but is there a way to have a bean that is instantiated or code that is ...