
Is there a way to use Lua on BREW 3.0 platform?

It looks like BREW 4.0 will have Lua included. But is it possible to use Lua on older BREW 3.0 (or even BREW 2.0)? ...

Single application build for multiple mobile devices

Is it possible to have one application binary build for multiple mobile devices (on BREW platform), rather than making a separate build for each device using build script with conditional compilation. In particular is is possible to use single BREW application build for multiple screen resolutions? Note that the goal is to have a singl...

BREW: Methods to trace BPOINT error messages.

Hi I'm new to BREW mobile development. And I want to know the methods on how to trace the BPOINT error messages in the simulator, like double free of memory which is the TYPE 3 of BPOINT, etc. Thanks. Kramkram ...

Schedule app in BREW

Is there any way to launch get a BREW application started according to a schedule? This is basically the same question as this one, only for BREW instead of Windows Mobile. ...

Trouble linking BREW objects under WinARM4.1x

Hi, I'm trying to use WinARM 4.1.1 to compile and link object files for a BREW project. I got started using this page: First thing to note is that I have this successfully working under the GNUDE tool chain. When I switched over to WinARM, I initially got it to work till I noticed that I had -Lc:/gnude/arm-elf/...

[BREW] Draw string using IDISPLAY_DrawText in current bitmap buffer

Hi Guys, This question is related to BREW framework which used in CDMA phones. But I think this topic is also related in general memory buffer for graphics. I just want to ask is how can I write a string using IDISPLAY_DrawText in a current bitmap buffer? This bitmap buffer is used by the IDISPLAY_BitBlt to draw the whole image in the...

What is a reasonable timeout for acquiring a GPS fix?

I am creating a BREW app that requests the user's position. If the phone cannot acquire the position, I would like to display an error. How long should I wait for my callback to be called before I determine that the phone is not likely to get a GPS fix? ...

Using Trace32 with Qualcomm FFA

Does anyone knows of any resources regarding the debugging of BREW and/or BMP applications on Qualcomm FFA using Lauterbach JTAG/Trace32 (e.g. .cmm scripts, instructions etc.)? Thanks. ...

basic ideas of brew

I want to know idea of Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless tutorial(Brew). Any one provide some useful links to learn brew. ...

How to suppress warnings in external headers in Visual C++

I'm starting a new BREW project, and I'd like to compile with Warning Level 4 (/W4) to keep the application code nice and clean. The problem is that the BREW headers themselves don't compile cleanly with /W4. In gcc you can differentiate between application and system headers by using -I and -isystem, and then by default gcc doesn't rep...

What is a simple way to combine two Emacs major modes, or to change an existing mode?

In Emacs, I'm working with a file that is a hybrid of two languages. Question 1: Is there a simple way to write a major mode file that combines two major modes? Details: The language is called "brew" (not the "BREW" of "Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless"). brew is made up of the languages R and Latex, whose modes are R-mode and...

BREW MP needs signature file?

hi, Qualcomm announced new BREW MP earlier versions i downloaded signature file to run app in device through App loader. is needed The signature file for BrewMP devices? can i check App without Signature file(downloading though ESN number)? ...


hi, If BREW MP has JVM ( java - car ) , If it supports all Java ( J2ME Applications), There is no need to develop applications through BREW , TBT it true? ...

what is make file?

hi, What is the need of Make File? IN which situation we have to alter that file for Brew Application? ...

relationship between REX OS and Brew OS?

hi, I see some devices with REX OS, but it supports Brew Zone,Applications .but brew itself is the OS, I want to know what is the difference between REX and BREW ,relationship among them? anyone can help? Application platform is as BREW and OS is as REX in some CDMA devices. ...

Will Brew MP Run without Sourcery G++ ARM Compiler?

can I compile & run Brew MP Applications without Sourcery G++ ARM Compiler? ...

BREW TBT Process?

hi, I am new To TBT Process.If i want to test My build in TBT For particular device, I have to pay..OK...but If want to test for another device Model , Have I to pay again? After Passing TBT process, how can I sell that build, will they provide single file or MOD with MIF,Bar like that?what I have to do through result build? any help Ple...

BREW: Why does anyone care for it anymore?

I am aware of the variety of possible platforms for mobile development. However, I pretty much wonder what you can tell me about Qualcomm's BREW? Why does anyone care for it anymore? I mean, with J2ME's portability (the interest in J2ME must surely be dying in the middle-high class devices), Android Makret and Appstore, how could anyone ...

What is a good open source beer database to contribute to and receive information from?

Anyone know a good open source directory to contribute to, or a place that gives access to brewing information openly so that one could be started? ...

Install hpricot on Mac OS X with rvm and brew

Having problems installing hpricot on Mac OS X. I suspect it might be an issue between rvm and brew? rvm 1.0.5 brew 0.7 Thoughts? Suggestions? Thanks! $ gem install hpricot Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing hpricot: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /Users/dhaskin/.rvm/...