
Resizing videos for mobile browsers

Anyone have any ideas how to resize videos from youtube and vimeo for mobile browsers? I'd like to do by percents...but...some videos don't like to use percents.. ...

JS: Error in IE, compatible in Chrome and Firefox

I'm having IE give me this error for a small function I wrote: Message: Object expected Line: 13 Char: 52 Code: 0 Here is my code (please excuse the formatting): function SectionTwo() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4) { if( xmlhttp.status==200 ) { if( xmlhttp.responseText.indexOf( "404 Error" ) >= 0 ) { } ...

JS: document.getElementById(var).style.display - Object needed error in IE8 only

I'm iterating through an array of strings (ids) and passing each element of the array to a function which either hides that element by id or shows it. for(var tag = 0; tag < idtagArray.length; tag++){UpdateImage( idtagArray[tag], xmlhttp.responseText);} And the UpdateImage function: function UpdateImage( usediv, data ) { if( data...

hide/show jquery not working in IE

I have a select menu that shows/hides the "livetransopts" div when an option is clicked. Works fine in Firefox, Chrome etc but not in IE can anyone help me???? <select> <option class="hidelivetrans" value="No">No - Don't transfer the call</option> <option class="showlivetrans" value="Yes">Yes - Transfer the call</o...

JavaScript API -- support for IE 5.5 onwards

Hi: jQuery spoiled me a lot ;-) I am one of the early adapters of jQuery and I can't think anything other than that. Recently I am involving in a project, where I need to support any browsers, say from IE 5.5 onwards. Is there any other JavaScript API supports IE 5.5? I know what you are thinking about IE 5.5, some of the end users are ...

Is it possible to target IE8's compatibility view in CSS?

Is this possible? I'd of assume that compatibility view is much like the older IE's, so I tried <!--[if lt IE 8]> css goes here <![endif]--> but it doesn't work. ...

How many external style-sheets are required for cross browser compatibility?

I have just started web development after a few years. Mostly in the past I would specify a style-sheet dedicated to IE6. Now, Chrome and Safari seem to be rendering elements better, over FireFox. What is standard procedure for external style-sheets these days? IE6 (STILL?) - IE8? FF even? It would be greatly appreciated if anyone has...

Mixing percent and fixed CSS

This is a duplicate from Should you ever apply percentage and fixed CSS together? Will it cause problems, and if so what kinds? Does mixing degrade browser render performance? Will mixing give you weird results on initial load with progress...

FF & Chrome: Text bounding box difference in Window/Linux

I'm trying to position several text elements using position:absolute. However, it seems that both on Firefox and on Chrome, the bounding box of the text elements is of a different size in Windows and in Linux. I've extracted a simple test case which is available here: I've tried all kinds o...

Why do ie versions coexist in parallel?

I mean, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, and basically every browser instead of IE has a single 'last build' version which can be updated-to from the browser itself, why does IE need to have IE6, IE7, IE8 coexisting, instead of providing an updater so everyone uses the same version (ideally IE8), which doesn't have as many problems as fo...

javascript form post submit working in IE but not Chrome

Dynamicaly adding a form to a page and submitting it in c#. Works fine in IE but just realized its not working in chrome. Im doing it as a function of a PayPal Transaction Object I built for a little ecomerce app. Here is the code. private void PayPalPostScriptLONG(Page page) { StringBuilder strScript = new StringBuilder...

IE8 Compability and Document mode.

Hello everyone. I want to make IE 8 understand my site as IE8. And not in IE7, compatibility mode, etc. I have had a lot of issues to do this, even the same site in my localhost was different that in the production server. (Never mind what language, happened with: php and I've been watching these links: http://msdn.microsof...

Spring MVC form hidden field appears null only in IE

In a simple sample, I have two models DailyTimesheet and MonthyTimesheet: class DailyTimesheet { // other properties MonthlyTimesheet timesheet; } class MonthlyTimesheet {} In the form, I have the code as: <form:form action="/update/timesheet" method="POST" modelAttribute="dailyTimesheet"> <form:hidden i...

CSS Drop-down menu positioning problem in IE

I've programmed a css dropdown menu that seems to be working correctly in every browser but Internet Explorer (at least in IE7). Here's a link to a picture of how it looks when it behaves correctly (not enough rep to post pictures yet): http : // Here's a link to how it looks in IE: http : // im...

Internet Explorer Missing Divs Issues...

I am having some serious trouble with missing DIVs under Internet Explorer and I cannot seem to get them to show up. The website is And it looks great, and functions perfect in most of the other required test browsers, but something about its appearance in IE7 is off. The issues are related to the #righty div ...

CSS Problem with IE 7 or 8 which is working fine in all other browsers

Hello All... I have created a menu and submenu bar for my web app. Now with the css classes that I have applied in is working perfectly in mozilla, chrome,safari. But it's not working fine at all with IE 7 or 8. The HTML code for the generation of menu is as follows : <div id="menu"> <ul class="navigation" id="navigation_menu"> ...

How is the HTML5 cross-browser story going to be any different than CSS/JS?

When CSS and JS got popular, the big frustration was that every browser implemented it differently and only a limited set of "cool stuff" worked across browsers, or worked differently. Now we're making HTML5 popular, so it seems like we're about to embark on the CSS/JS incompatibility journey all over again, but now in a 3D, animated, a...

JQuery val() does not work for textarea in Opera

I am displaying a modal dialog using jQuery. This dialog has a textarea control on it. But on submitting this dialog, the value of this textarea is not recognized by jQyery for some reason. It always comes blank. This works perfectly in other browsers. I put alert to display the value but it looks blank. Can anybody help me in this regar...

Find out if browser is IE6 or before

Possible Duplicate: Detect Internet Explorer 6 or below in jQuery Is there a way of detecting if the browser is pre IE7 (so IE6 or before) using javascript or jQuery? I found a similar question on here where the answer was basically "don't do that". Well, I don't care, I still want to :) ...

Problem with input fields in Chrome,FF,Opera,Safari, not in IE

I'm using the AutoSuggest jQuery Plugin: So basically what it does is create a hidden input field containing comma separated values; the IDs of the Names in the AutoSuggest field. Using Firebug, I confirmed that the hidden field was created and the IDs were inserted in the 'valu...