
howto install gems in $HOME instead of "/" with bundler?

by default bundler install gems into system root. but I want to install gems into $HOME. how can I do it? ...

How can I remove a gem from my Rails 3 project without getting this really strange Bundle error?

The error is: You have modified your Gemfile in development but did not check the resulting snapshot (Gemfile.lock) into version control WHAT VERSION CONTROL? Why/how does Bundle know anything about version control? I just removed a line from my Gemfile. Am I not supposed to do that? ...

no such file to load -- bcrypt_ext (via devise)

I'm using database authentication in devise(current gem) on rails 3 and I get the following error when trying to log in with username/password. no such file to load -- bcrypt_ext This error occurred while loading the following files: bcrypt bcrypt_ext I have previously "Successfully installed bcrypt-ruby-2.1.2" gem. Any ideas...

bundle: command not found

I'm hosting on a vps,ubuntu 10.04, rails3, ruby and mysql installed correctly by following tutorials. If I run 'bundle check' or 'bundle install' I get the error '-bash: bundle: command not found'. From 'gem list --local' I see 'bundler (1.0.2, 1.0.0)' is installed. I don't know what's going wrong... gem environment returns: RubyGems...

conditionals in Gemfile

Our team uses different databases for each other, and we are using bundler so our Gemfile contains the repo creator's db connector(mysql) I am using pg and due to a bit laziness and fear of breaking something, I don't want to use mysql, so I just add a gem "pg" in our Gemfile. Of course, since we're using git, it will always show as a ...

Bundler breaks resourceful routes?

Bundler is breaking my resourceful route! To confirm I created a clean rails app (2.3.4) and made a users scaffold. map.resources :users creates the following: users GET /users(.:format) {:controller=>"users", :action=>"index"} POST /users(.:format) {:controller=>"users", :action...

Declarative_authorization doesn't seem to load?

I'm running bundler with rails 2.3.4. I'm trying to get declarative_authorization to work (I added it to my Gemfile). The error I'm getting is undefined local variable or method 'filter_resource_access'. I'm guessing this means that declarative_authorization isn't loading? Since I'm using bundler I don't have a config.gem line for it...

Use compiled system MySql gem in production

With Rails 2.8 I am using a system gem compiled on a Solaris server, used as production. Rails 3 uses bundler and when I deploy with Capistrano and execute bundle install, bundler is not capable to install that gem. MySql gem must be compiled from source as I documented here: http://riccardotacconi.blogspot.com/2009/10/how-to-install-mys...

Rake 0.8.7 and ActiveSupport 3.0.1

Hello guys, I am running Ruby 1.9.2. I have rake 0.8.7 installed. However running rake inside a Rails application gives me the following: (in /usr/home/users/dimitar/Rails/spek) Could not find activesupport-3.0.1 in any of the sources Try running `bundle install`. So I go ahead and run bundle install again and everything looks good: ...

git push heroku master doesn't seem to work

I am following the guide on railstutorial.org. I get this error when I type the command on the title. Counting objects: 66, done. Delta compression using up to 2 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (52/52), done. Writing objects: 100% (66/66), 86.47 KiB, done. Total 66 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0) -----> Heroku receiving push -----> Ra...

How to tell bundler to use installed mswin32 version of a gem?

I did the: gem install hpricot --platform=mswin32 It's correctly listed when I do gem list: *** LOCAL GEMS *** abstract (1.0.0) actionmailer (3.0.0) actionpack (3.0.0) activemodel (3.0.0) activerecord (3.0.0) activeresource (3.0.0) activesupport (3.0.0) arel (1.0.1) builder (2.1.2) bundler (1.0.0) columnize (0.3.1) erubis (2.6.6) hp...

RackEnv/RailsEnv development not working

I am using Passenger3 with Apache2, Rails 2.3.8 with Bundler1.0.3 I can't trigger development mode from the vhost. I need to explicitly set it in ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'development' RackEnv development RailsEnv development Neither of these are working, it is defaulting to production. I have another 2.3.8 project that is fine with Rail...

Rails - bundler problem when using thin

Hi, I started using bundler and have some problems getting it working. I have the following gemfile: source "http://rubygems.org" gem "rack", "~>1.1" gem 'pg','>= 0.8.0' gem 'rails','2.3.8' gem 'authlogic','2.1.3' gem 'ajaxful_rating','2.2.3' gem 'will_paginate','2.3.12' gem 'right_aws','1.10.0' gem 'aws-s3','0.6.2' gem 'declarative_au...

problem in bundler

I already gem bundler in system. I check "gem list". it show: *** LOCAL GEMS *** bundler (1.0.3) but I go to app and execute "bundle install". it is show: bundle: command not found please help me. ...

How to start a brand new process in Rails, without inherit current environment variables?

I'm developing an master rails app which controls other rails apps. It has a bash script to start those rails apps, and it works well while it's invoked in the command line manually. But if I invoke it in the matter rails app, using backticks, system, or exec, the script will fail. The error message is: unicorn_rails worker[0] -c ../c...

Can I get bundler t use an earlier gem?

Hi, I'm trying to get my rails3 app & gem taps & heroku to play nicely together. One googled solution is to use an earlier version of sequel. So I'd like to try to have bundler use sequel v3.13.0 instead of sequel v3.15.0, but bundler says: You have requested: sequel = 3.13.0 The bundle currently has sequel locked at 3.15.0. Try runni...

Bunder.require does not work for ActiveRecord in my gem

I just created a new gem (using bundler) and want to add Active Record support. So I added s.add_dependency "activerecord", "~> 3.0" to my gemspec. Then I use Bundler.setup and Bundler.require and thought that I have access to Active Record now, but I haven't. I have to explicitly use require "active_record". Any idea why Bunder.require ...

'Could not find gem' error when specifying a forked version of a gem from Github in my gemfile

I am trying to use this forked version of the searchlogic gem. In my gemfile, I have gem "searchlogic", :git => "http://github.com/railsdog/searchlogic.git" when I do bundle install, I get this error: Could not find gem 'searchlogic (>= 0, runtime)' in http://github.com/railsdog/searchlogic.git (at master). Source does not contain an...

Extremely slow bundler 1.0.3 (Bundler.require) with around 100 gems in Rails 3.0.1 and Ruby 1.9.2

I am using Rails 3.0.1, Bundler 1.0.3 and Ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18 revision 29036). Everything was fine and fast until I started adding Devise & Omniauth. From that on everything involving initializing Bundler (calling Bundler.require as in application.rb) took ages (by means of 30-50 seconds which is a lot for e.g. calling 'rake routes'...

how to automatically run bundle install if the gemfile is updated after a git pull/merge?

I imagine that I should write a git commit hook (post-merge?) that would look at the list of changed files and run bundle install if necessary after I fetch and merge from my git repo. But after some googling, I figure that either this should exist (couldn't find it!) or there's a good reason not to do this. Thoughts? ...