
WPF vs XBAP vs Silverlight... which suits business applications?

I'm pretty familiar with a lot of the ins and outs of full fledged WPF client applications. I know that WPF client applications supports the full .NET Framework 3.5, allows for hardware acceleration of 2D and 3D graphics, theming, templating, styling, triggers, the works. What I'm not clear about is what features, and/or niceties are ei...

What DB required to make the Silverlight Business Application template work?

I've been trying to run the Silverlight Business Application template but it fails when I try to register. I have SQL Express with an MSSQLSERVER instance and I've defined the standard aspnetdb created. The error is: Submit operation failed. Unable to connect to SQL server database. at System.Web.DomainServices.ReflectionDomainServ...

How to let the user choose between typing price inclusive VAT or exclusive VAT in TextField?

I am implementing an back-office application where the user type in prices for products. Sometimes it is preferred to type the price inclusive value-added-tax, VAT and sometimes exclusive VAT. How do I best let the user choose between the inclusive or exclusive VAT in a usability perspective? I could have two TextFields above eachother...

Silverlight 4 business application themes

Hi, We are starting a new SilverLight 4 Business Application project and are looking for theme. All we can find on the web are Navigation Application themes, which when applied to business application project, don't work. Most even have compilation errors. Is there a place on the web to get theme specifically for that project or is th...