
Initialize a Linq to Sql object via business logic

I would like to extend a class generated by Linq To Sql to initialize when a new object (=row) is created. I want to add rows to a child table when a parent row is created. I was hoping to use the Oncreated (partial) method do something like this: partial class Product { partial void OnCreated() { // Fill default rows for...

Best Open Source Business Rule Management System

Does anyone know of a solid free and/or open source business rule management system. The organization I work for is developing increasingly more complex (business-wise) applications and it would be really nice to have a rule based system for saving, maintaining and allowing inter-relation of those business rules over time. Edit: Additio...

Should a internal C# app be compiled with business logic?

[background] So, I've got a C# application that was written before I got here. I'm not in the dev org, at this time, but I am the tech lead in my sub-group within the internet marketing org. My responsibility is process automation, minimal desktop support, and custom apps that make our lives easier. [/background] [app details] We...

Business logic software choices

What software do you currently use to implement business logic? We have an app with very heavy business logic which is implemented in Java with POJO's and EJB's (2.0). Are there any more recent software languages or tools that are advantageous to use to code business logic? ...

How should business level objects be named?

We are building a service-oriented system where we have separated the application into several layers: SOAP web services (e.g., BuildingService.asmx) Business logic layer (e.g., BuildingXXX) Data Access layer (e.g, BuildingProvider) Types (e.g., Building) The SOAP web services simply instantiate an object of type BuildingXXX from th...

EntityFramework Business Logic on EntitySetReference

I am trying to do something where if have a two classes (that i care about) one called Inquiries and the other is a foreign Key Table of InquiryStatus What my business logic I am trying to check if the Inquiry gets tied to a new InquiryStatus which would have InquiryStatus.bln_requiresValue then I need to have an Inquiry.Money Rig...

How to find appropriate person for API feature review?

We are developing a product which provides an API interface, so other developers can use some functionality of main product. This is already implemented and documented. But I'm not sure that this is very useful, and documentation is very clear for developers. How we can find people to review this feature? What type of person should it...

How should I namespace my models in ASP.NET MVC? Confused about Nerd Dinner.

I am learning ASP.NET MVC and I like it. However, I am very confused about the right approach to namespacing my models. While dissecting the NerdDinner sample app I noticed that everything in the Models folder belongs to the Models namespace. The data mapping classes, repositories, error rule management, etc., belong to the same namespa...

Where to move the business logic when moving it out of the database

I have a CRUD-heavy ASP.NET application with all the business logic in Stored Procedures. As an example, there is an UPDATE stored procedure that's ~500 lines long and contains large amounts of conditional logic, referencing multiple tables & UDFs. The proc takes in the field name being updated and the new value, sets a bunch of declar...

Are middleware apps required to do business logic?

Let's suppose I have a large middleware infrastructure mediating requests between several business components (customer applications, network, payments, etc). The middleware stack is responsible for orchestration, routing, transformation and other stuff (similar to the Enterprise Integration Patterns book by Gregor Hohpe). My question i...

Business rules validation in NHibernate Validator

Is it possible to define a validation method (for businbess rules validation) that will be used by NHibernate.Validator? I mean something that exists in EntLib: [HasSelfValidation()] public class SomeClass { //... [SelfValidation()] public virtual void DoValidate(ValidationResults results) { //... } } ...

C# Contract Implementations and Exceptions

I have a BO method that must do two operations to fulfill its contract. insert a record into the db send an email notification containing the metadata for the record Both are handled with calls to individual DAO methods responsible for completing the action. I do not trap exceptions in my DAO, I handle and publish them in the BO. T...

Strategies for sharing common business logic across different programming languages

Having a monolithic business application with complex business logic implemented in Visual Dataflex, we are facing the challenge of maintaining our business logic across programming languages as certain features are written in other programming languages (mainly .NET). So I am looking for strategies to "synchronize" business logic acros...

What section should I place my SqlDataReader code in?

Hi, I am fairly new to c# and am trying to write a n-tiered web application. To make sure that I put the logic and code in the right place I just have a question about where to put my code. I have three main section: DataAccess code - inside a folder named "BusinessLogic" inside my App_Code folder. Business Logic code - inside a fold...

Where is the best place to put Business Rules in a Silverlight MVVM RIA Services application?

Where is the best place to put business rules in an RIA Silverlight application? I thought the Domain Service would be a good spot except it seems to only share Data to the client tier. I don't think the ViewModel is a good idea since we should have Business Rules in the server tier. In shared code? *.shared.cs? Where do you put your ...

How do you keep view logic out of the model and business logic out of the view-model in MVVM?

I can't quite figure out how to get the view model to be notified of changes in the model without adding a bunch of UI specific stuff like INotifyProperyChanged and INotifyCollectionChanged in my model or create tons of different events and do a bunch of things that feel like they're UI specific and should stay out of the model. Otherwi...

Should Business layer of the application be able to access Session object?

Say you have 3 layers: UI, Business, Data. Is that a sign of poor design if Business layer needs to access Sessions? Something about it doesn't feel right. Are there any guidelines to follow specifically tailored to web app? I use c# 2.0 .net ...

Email notifications - In the domain object or a service?

I'm looking for recommendations on how to approach the following design problem (using a fictitious example based on stackoverflow). I'd trying to avoid an anemic domain model and seek general "best-practice" advice for this type of case. Scenario: Suppose a new feature is being developed for stackoverflow that sends an email notifica...

business classes for multilanguage database design

I have posted a question about multilanguage database design here,[] like Martin's suggestion,but now I have a question what will be the best way to create business objects? If I will create product which will contains ProductTranslation ob...

Dynamic Business Rules in a web application

Greetings! Working on a web based project were business rules and logic need to be customized by client. I want to do this without having to recompile the application every time we sign up a new client on the system. The architectures I have outlined so far are: Windows Workflow: Creating dynamic workflows and saving them to the dat...