
Vertical ButtonBar buttons width

I am creating a vertical button bar with 3 buttons. How do I force the same width for all three buttons so it doesn't look like crap? <s:ButtonBar x="10" y="10" dataProvider="{viewstack1}" > <s:layout> <s:VerticalLayout gap="-1"/> </s:layout> </s:ButtonBar> <mx:ViewStack id="viewstack1" left="115" paddingRight="0" right=...

Android Scrollview in RelativeLayout with ButtonBar

I'm trying to implement a login view where several EditTexts and a logo are displayed on the screen with a ButtonBar at the bottom, something like this: The problem is that on very small screens, especially when they are rotated sideways, the entire main view doesn't fit onto the screen. I currently have <?xml version="1.0" encoding...

How to disable toggling with flex buttonbar

How to disable the toggle nature of buttons in spark:Buttonbar so that it would behave similar to mx:ButtonBar? ...

how to create a buttonbar with a sliding control in android?

The footprints and clock app on a HTC sense phones use a slider control on the bottom buttonbar (see this movie for an example: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B9hmEy_z2CRzOTJmYTVlNDktYjkwMS00YTM5LTk3ODQtYmIzODU4Yzk1YjA0&amp;hl=en&amp;authkey=CMWwwegG). From the hierarchy viewer I can see that they use a custom control for this. I'm l...