I have written a cgi-bin application in C that runs in a browser and allows the user to open an interactive shell and view & edit files on a Linux machine. It runs as the standard apache "www-data" user. I just added a login screen to it where the user types in their name and password (in a form) but I cannot authenticate the user using ...
This is a hard question to ask because I'm positive I'm about to be bombarded with haters commenting on "if I can't write an operating system already, I won't ever to be able to write an operating system". Well I've read Modern OS by Tanembaum, Linux Kernel Development, Understanding the Linux kernel and others I still don't know if or n...
First let me start of saying I know absolutely nothing about c++ and I am really just more interested in getting this to work then learning c++(I got enough on my plate to learn).
So basically I am trying to make a terms of service for my windows mobile 6 professional application but it seems I need to use c++ to do it. After hours ...
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL NULL
This code compiles in gcc with no warnings/errors. Can someone explain what the preprocessor is doing here?
Using C, I'm trying to find the location and number of matches of a substring within another parent string. Because I also need to include approximate (hamming distance) matches, I'm using the tre library found here: http://laurikari.net/tre/.
I'm having trouble understanding some of the documentation on the site, likely because I'm no...
I'd like help finding a library that adds SOCKS5 server functionality to my program. Please note, I do not want to connect to a SOCKS proxy server; rather, I want to actually run a SOCKS proxy server within my program.
While there appears to be many SOCKS servers, they certainly were not built with the intention of being used as librari...
I've already got some code to read a text file using fscanf(), and now I need it modified so that fields that were previously whitespace-free need to allow whitespace. The text file is basically in the form of:
title: DATA
title: DATA
which is basically parsed using fgets(inputLine, 512, inputFile); sscanf(inputLine, ...
I've got some C code I'm targeting for an AVR. The code is being compiled with avr-gcc, basically the gnu compiler with the right backend.
What I'm trying to do is create a callback mechanism in one of my event/interrupt driven libraries, but I seem to be having some trouble keeping the value of the function pointer.
To start, I have ...
I'm trying to learn some graphics programming using C. What would be the best way for a beginner to start? I'd like to how to make programs that use graphics and images that can be run directly from a command line prompt, and don't rely on a windowing system like X to execute.
I have a multi-threaded application which needs to display certain dates to the user. The dates are stored using UTC Unix time values. However, the date must be displayed in the time zone of the user, not the local server time or UTC. Basically, I need a function like this:
struct tm *usertime_r(const time_t *timer, struct tm *result, c...
8 | *
7 | *
6 | *
5 | *
4 | * *
3 |* * * * * *
2 |* * * * *** ** * *
1 |* * *** ****** **** * *
how would you print numbers from the least significant digits to the most significant digits (like the numbers shown on the x-axis)? Thank you
I want to send data or packets at perticular IP address using ANSI C standard so that my code will be plateform independent, how is it possible in window OS without using window libraries like winsock etc. Kindly give me some guidelines or hints.
Hi all,
On a mailing list I'm subscribed to, two fairly knowledgeable (IMO) programmers were discussing some optimized code, and saying something along the lines of:
"On the CPUs released 5-8 years ago, it was slightly faster to iterate for loops backwards (e.g. for (int i=x-1; i>=0; i--) {...}) because comparing i to zero is more effi...
what the difference when the number of threads is determined, as e.g.:
for (i*10){
pthread_create(&thread[i], NULL, ThreadMain[i], (void *) xxx);
and when it is undetermined, just like this:
pthread_create(&threadID, NULL, ThreadMain, (void *) xxx);
In my case the numb...
I have a example with me where in which the alignment of a type is guaranteed, union max_align . I am looking for a even simpler example in which union is used practically, to explain my friend.
Does anyone know a spiffy way to use C header files in Python? For example I have a C program that includes a global variable:
typedef struct ImageInfo
uint8_t revisionMajor;
uint8_t revisionMinor;
uint16_t checksum;
} ImageInfo;
ImageInfo gImageInfo; /* Placed at a specific address by the linker */
I would like ...
Does linking and loading of the the dynamic libraries both happen at runtime?
or is it that only loading of the library happens at run time?
How do you use the return value from scanf to make sure it is a double I've got?
double input;
do { /* do this as long as it not a double */
scanf("%lf", &input);
} while(scanf("%lf", &input) != 1); /* this will not work */
Hello! i am a beginner and want to file handling concept in win32 application for writing anything say text in file which is present in some location on hard disk.
Please Reply
Thanks in advance...
I am trying to setup a static assert (outside the main function) with GCC v4.3.x:
#define STATIC_ASSERT(cond) extern void static_assert(int arg[(cond) ? 1 : -1])
STATIC_ASSERT( (double)1 == (double)1 ); // failed
but when I use float numbers, the assert always failed.
Is it possible to run this static assert properly ?