
ASP Ajax Toolkit Calendar control defaults to mm/dd/yyyy can this be changed?

Hi folks, I have a text box which has a Ajax calendar extender attached. You click on the text box, the calendar pops up, you select a date and that gets displayed in the text box. That all good but the date is displayed in mm/dd/yyyy format. Can this be changed? Thanks, Jonesy ...

set calendar extender format

Does anyone know if there is a way of specifying the Format of a calendar extender with a dynamic value from the aspx? I tried this but it doesnt seem to set the format at all. Does anyone see anything wrong with it: <asp:TextBox ID="tbStartDate" runat="server" /> <act:CalendarExtender ID="clndrStartDate" PopupPosition="Right" r...

Ajaxcontrolkit calendar control - customisation

hi, Can the calendar control be customsised so that, say you have a system of renting out a holiday home. can the dates that have been booked appear as red and disabled on the ajaxcalendar control? Cheers -- Jonesy ...

Display weekday in textbox or label using date from textbox

I have a textbox with calendar extender and a label <label for="<%= tbxFrom.ClientID %>"> From</label> <asp:Label ID="lblWeekDayFrom" runat="server"></asp:Label> <asp:TextBox ID="tbxFrom" runat="server" CssClass="Calendar"></asp:TextBox> <cc1:CalendarExtender ID="extTbxF...

Missing data in AjaxToolkit CalendarExtender?

Hello, I'm using the CalendarExtender, and it's working fine, but when I submit the textbox date to the server to be saved, it shows as blank. Another textbox I have near the date one, is working fine. Any Idea? TY ...

Problem with Ajax Toolkit ASP.NET (Visual Basic)

Hey, I'm trying to use Ajax Toolkit in ASP.NET page to display a Calendar Extender with this code, but it's not working for me. <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"> </asp:ScriptManager> <div> <br /> <br /> <b>Calendar :</b><br /> <asp:TextBox ID="Date1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox...

Asp.Net CalendarExtender problem with Google Chrome

Existing website that has a few report pages that take dates as report parameters. These report pages use the CalendarExtender to allow the user an esay way to enter dates (the user selects a date and the text box gets populated). On all of the browsers and different versions of those browsers I have tested (IE, FF, Opera, Safari, mobil...

How to display a CalendarExtender from your js code without using it as an extender?

Is there any way to display a Calendar Extender popup without using it the traditional way? and the also grabbing the value selected? Some code that I made up to make it more clear: <table> <tr> <td><input type="text"/></td> <td><input type="text"/></td> <td><input type="text"/></td> <td><input type="text"></td> </tr> </table> $('tab...

Ajax calendar extender not seen at proper place

I have user control in which ajax:calenderextender is. Now when I run application than on first time when i click on image for calendar then calendar shown at top of page which is not proper place than after when i am clicked then it is on proper place ...

Calendar extender wont pop up a calendar

I currently have two calendar extenders on my ASP page and for some reason when they are clicked they do not pop up correctly, I have the TargetControlId set to the appropriate text boxes and the PopupButtonId set to the correct images as well. Is there something else that needs to be set so that this works correctly? ...

ASP.NET Ajax CalendarExtender will not update SelectedDate value

For some reason, any CalendarExtenders on an ASP.NET site that is being worked on will not be updated. I have already checked all the obvious places (such as AutoPostBack and AutoEventHandler). The problem is that when I select a date from the Calendar and post it to the form, the TextBox that is being extended IS being updated, but the ...

AjaxControlToolkit CalendarExtender selected value is null

I try to get date from CalendarExtender in two ways: one with updatepanel and one without but it doesn't work. value of this two calendar extender are null. It's weird because I can select date from this extenders, and text of textboxes are set to selected date. How to fix it ? <asp:UpdatePanel runat="server"> <ContentTemplate...

How to use only part of the Ajax Toolkit's calendar extender control

I currently have two requirements of the AJAX Calendar Extender, one simple and one complex. I would like to solve the simple scenario, and if the complex scenario can't be feasibly solved, then the workaround that I have is acceptable. Simple Scenario: I really only want to show the Year/Month Selector of the calendar control When th...

supersize calendarextender

How can I resize the ajax control toolkit's calendarextender so it's touch friendly, I have modified the css properties successfully but when selecting months or years, the months (or years) overlap the days, and don't collapse after making a selection. Here is the css I'm using so far: .ajax__calendar_container {padding:4px;position:a...

AjaxControlKit Calendar Selector with SSRS

I've noticed that the items in the calendar date selection dropdown in the AjaxControlKit are not available if the SSRS ASP.Net report viewer control is directly beneath it. I had to add subsequent HTML/line spacing below it to give me the ability to select the rest of the lower dates in the control. To solve this, I added a few more ...

Passing calendar extender's selectedDate to server side

How do you update a static DateTime variable on the server side with the selectedDate of the Ajax toolkit calendar extender? ...