
Windows Callgrind results browser, alternative to KCacheGrind

Is there any tool, other than KCacheGrind, being able to view callgrind results? Preferably for Windows platform? ...

Tools to evaluate callgrind's call profiles?

Somehow related to this question, which tool would you recommend to evaluate the profiling data created with callgrind? It does not have to have a graphical interface, but it should prepare the results in a concise, clear and easy-to-interpret way. I know about e.g. kcachegrind, but this program is missing some features such as data ex...

Using callgrind/kcachegrind to get per-thread statistics

I'd like to be able to see how "expensive" each thread in my application is using callgrind. I profiled with the --separate-thread=yes option which gives you a callgrind file for the whole app and then one per-thread. This is useful for viewing the profile of any given thread, but what I really want is just a sorted list of CPU time ...

How use callgrind to profiling only a certain period of program execution?

I want to use valgrind to do some profiling, since it does not need re-build the program. (the program I want to profile is already build with “-g") But valgrind(callgrind) is quite slow ... so here's what I to do: start the server ( I want to profile that server) kind of attach to that server before I do some operation on server, sta...

callgrind : how to check whether a line executed or not

Is it possible to use callgrind to produce the output like one given by gcov/lcov ? I'm reading their docs unable to find the exact option for callgrind_annotate ...

How do I get callgrind to dump source line information?

I'm trying to profile a shared library on GNU/Linux which does real-time audio processing, so performance is important. I run another program which hooks it up to the audio input and output of my system, and profile that with callgrind. Looking at the results in KCacheGrind, I get great information about what functions are taking up mo...

callgrind function names are not shown in child processes

Hi, I have process A wich forks process B. A and B - are different application. Both compiled with -g flag. to run it with callgrind I use command: valgrind --tool=callgrind --trace-children=yes ./A [params] for parent process (A) contains function names. for child process(B) - it doesn't contains. What could be wron...

Callgrind for c++ code coverage

Is Callgrind, which is part of valgrind suite a good candidate for C++ code coverage?? ...

callgrind equivalent for java?

Is there a free callgrind equivalent for java? basically, i just need anything that gives me cycle counts or time spent for each method and function of my java code. i suppose i should mention i'm using mac, which means the eclipse thing below doesn't work for me, i believe. ...

Use callgrind as a sampling profiler?

I've been searching for a Linux sampling profiler, and callgrind has come the closest to showing useful results. However the overhead is estimated at 20--100x slower than normal. Additionally, I'm only interested in time spent per function (with particular emphasis on blocking calls such as read() and write(), which no other profiler wil...

what exactly does callgrind collect

Is it sampling or is it recording every instruction executed? Does it just capture the executing function or does it also have the line number? ...

What profiler should I use to measure _real_ time (including waiting for syscalls) spend in this function, not _CPU_ one.

The application does not calculate things, but does i/o, read files, uses network. I want profiler to show it. I expect something like something like in callgrind that calls clock_gettime each proble. Or like oprofile that interrupts my application (while it is sleeping or waiting for socket/file/whatever) to see what is it doing. I w...