
How do I log an exception with a full call stack?

I want to use ELMAH to log an exception (without throwing it all the way up the call stack) and it log the entire call stack. Example code: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DoSomething(); } private void DoSomething() { try { TrySomething(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogE...

How to filter call stack in Eclipse debug view for Java

While debugging, the Debug view in Eclipse shows the call stack. Which is great. But I'd love to be able to filter out all the call that I definitely don't care about, such as Spring and the JUnit runner. Here's an example of my call stack right now. I'd like to keep the entries in bold, while hiding all the rest. Is it possible to do i...

Obtain a callstack in Clojure

When I run my Clojure programs and get an error during execution, I notice that the message printed by the REPL only contains the top level line number from the script I executed. Can I get it to dump a call stack (which references the various line numbers of Clojure code)? For example: user=> (load-file "test.clj") java.lang.IllegalA...