is there way to use caml to do something like a full-text search on a list
Is there a way to use SharePoint CAML to do a Full-Text search on a sharepoint list? ...
Is there a way to use SharePoint CAML to do a Full-Text search on a sharepoint list? ...
I am currently retrieving all pages and filtering out ones that are not published in the code, checking whether DateTime.Now is smaller than this: static readonly DateTime IMMEDIATE_PUBLISH = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1); public static DateTime PublicationDate(this SPListItem item) { // get start publish date PublishingPage page = ...
There's a new syntax element in SP 2010's feature definitions {$ListId:Lists/ListName}. Apparently it should replace it with the GUID of the list on traget site. This solves a problem where you don't know the GUID before you create the list and have to use a feature receiver to define elements which need the GUID. Is there other such su...
Hello, I am working with Sharepoint Lists in Silverlight and I am trying to write a CAML query that returns me all list items (pictures) which where made (effectively taken with the camera) after a specific date. I found that the ListItems have a MetaInfo property called "vti_ct" which is exactly the date I need. The problem is that I d...
Hello All, I am making use of CAML Query to filter the records from list into DataTable. I have a SPUser Field in my list. I am endeavoring to obtain the user id of each user in CAML Query. Any insights on how to achieve this? ...
I'd like to complete redo the annoucements, and i'm having issues getting the CAML to do what i want. I want to grab each Field( i assume this is what i want to grab) and style them. Say i want the Title to be in bold red and the body in green How would I accomplish this using CAML? I am customizing the View Style, adding my own. ...
I have a working form that creates a new item in a SharePoint list using CAML XML document. I have read how to include attachments and I want to include the entire InfoPath form as an attachment on the List item. Can I still do this with the CAML XML by including the file as an encoded string? I'm having trouble setting up the CAML XM...
I find it hard to find available elements I can use when creating Views. Also on MSDN they are paginated over 3 pages. Would be nice if this could be improved with examples like what can we do with these properties, because MS documentation does not provide that. So here they are: Aggregations Batch Case Column Column2 ContentTyp...
Hi, i'm using soapenv to get data from SharePoint list librarys. There are some things i didn't found answers to .. How should get data from library which is located in other site/subsite ? What is the best way to write this jQuery CAML Querys ? Now, i'm using NotePad :) then copy/paste it to SharePoint site, into Content Edi...
Hello, I'm getting the data from sharepoint wbesite using activeItemData = ws.GetListItems(listGUID, activeItemViewGUID, qNode, vNode, rowLimit, null, ""); Here is what I got from the sharepoint its one record. <**rs:data** ItemCount="1" ListItemCollectionPositionNext="Paged=TRUE&p_ID=1" xmlns:rs="urn:schemas-microsoft-c...
I am trying to add an item to a list in Sharepoint. At the moment I am trying to add the item via CAML I can read the list, and query the list but I have not been able to add to the list. All the examples that I have seen update the list, I would expect that it should be reasonably similar process to add an item. this is how I am te...
Hi, Does anyone know of a method to Query / Join multiple Lists in Sharepoint 2007 via a CAML query? I have found lots of posts saying it's not possible, and found one post indicating that it is, if a Linked source is created: Do anyone know if this is p...
Hi there, We have a SharePoint 2007 site. It is supported by two back-end databases - one hosted on SQL Server, another on an open-source RDBMS. We issue CAML queries to retrieve data from SQL Server, and ADO.NET queries to retrieve data from the other server. Our architect says we would be better off if we used the same approach (namel...
As the title says: in sharepoint 2010 i need to programmatically create a view which lets me filter on the items on a list (a list of person). In this person list i have a lookup field which refers to another list (projects): i need to show only the people that work on a determinated project (passed as a string) I have created an exampl...
Hello... i want to add a item to a Sharepoint 2010 custom List over WebService. I can read data but i can't write. i test this code, i had no Error but no new item is in the List: XElement batch = new XElement("Batch", "<Batch OnError=\"Continue\">" + "<Method ID=\"1\" Cmd=\"New\">" + ...
Is there a way to specify the name or id of a lists existing views to filter/sort the data? ...
Hi, I'm running a number of CAML queries against a large list in SharePoint 2010, and displaying the results in a gridview to the end user. I wish to page through the results returned by the query to improve performance. However, I am required to display a total count of the items returned by the query on the paging control. My questi...
Hi All, Can any one tell me what would me the CAML query for the following condition [[Col1=22 And Col2=23] OR [Col3=Yes] ] And [ [Col4=16] OR [Col5=56 ] ] Where Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5 are the columns of my list and 22,23,Yes 16 And 56 are some mock values. Thanks in advance! Sachin ...