I tried deploy ror app using capistrano. when i ran the command 'cap deploy:migrations", i got the following errors:
Missing these requried gems:
rake aborted!
Unknown database 'hylog_production'
do i have to resetup the databases manually on production server?
I tried to deploy ror application on production server then got this error:
Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) (Mysql::Error)
but when i ran command:
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
it passed. I also connect to mysql from command line:
mysql -u root -p
it got through, and i can see all t...
I udpated the code on my development machine, then deploy it to production machine(git server and production server are on the same machine). from the brower i can see the change i made was not there.
I went to cap's current folder, i can see all the code are updated, but in the latest release folder, the code are still old versi...
I use capistrano to deploy my ror application and love it! only question is which machine, development server vs. production server, should take the deployment responsibility? I prefer leave it to production server. think about the scenario that multiple developers commit code changes and then run deployment, that won't make sense...
We are looking to shift to bundler for deploying internal applications. We currently use capistrano for deployment using git for SCM. After googling extensively, I have found about 20 different ways to incorporate bundler into a rails 2.3.x application - but much of that information is out of date.
currently we freeze gems to the appl...
to solve this problem, I simply dragged the tasks/facebooker folder into lib from the venders/facebooker/lib/ directory. The migrations now function.
I have a fully tested and working Rails app that won't deploy. Its running facebooker and working with restful authentication.
In Capistrano I am getting the following m...
I love Capistrano and finally i found GUI for using it!
I installed the app that many other guys recommend it to me.
Finally, its time to try... I flow the screencast ..etc.. and found in my production.log this error: 'sh: ruby command not found'
I followed this blog post but naaaah!! same problem...
This is what i tried...
Thank you in Advance! I'm using Capistrano to cap deploy:migrations.
Two commands within the environment.rb file are causing some problems:
config.gem "coderay"
config.gem "RedCloth"
An SSH into the Dreamhost server:
gem: /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem /usr/share/man/man1/gem.1.gz
[kinshasa]$ which gem
[kinshasa]$ gem lis...
Using cap deploy:setup the deprec recipe.rb for mongrel_cluster runs as expected. This is fine (and indeed desired) for my production enviroment, but is it possible to cause mongrel_cluster/recipes.rb to NOT run when when I set a specific envrionment, e.g.
if ENV["STAGE"] == "production"
# service as normal
elsif ENV["STAGE"] == "st...
I have account in amazon S3 and i use this just for my css and javascripts and photos like a CDN.
I want a task capistrano for send my javascripts and css and photos to my bucket in amazon s3.
How I do ?
thanks you John Topley
Based in your code i did as below.
configure you config/s3.yaml
I'm new to deploying with Capistrano, and I'm trying the following:
set :application, "example.co.uk"
# If you aren't deploying to /u/apps/#{application} on the target
# servers (which is the default), you can specify the actual location
# via the :deploy_to variable:
set :deploy_to, "/home/example/#{application}"
# SCM Op...
Trying to deploy my rails application but when access through web
I'm getting 500 error saying that
The application spawner server exited unexpectedly: Unexpected end-of-file detected.
Exception class:
I googled the whole internet but found only couple of guys who had the s...
My ssh keys are definitely set up correctly, as I'm never prompted for the password when using ssh. But capistrano still asks for a password when deploying with cap deploy. It doesn't ask for the password when I setup with cap deploy:setup though, strangely enough. It would make the deployment cycle so much smoother without a password pr...
I'm trying to remotely open a port in a iptables firewall using Capistrano. Here's my task:
desc "Open up a port in the firewall"
task :open_port, :roles => :all do
port = variables[:port] || nil
if (!port)
puts "You must specify the port number"
run "#{sudo} /sbin/iptables -I RH-Firewall-1-INPU...
I have a rails app that is not in the root directory of the repository. When it is deployed, some other static files are deployed with it in a parent directory. The structure is something like this:
-- otherstuff
-- railsapp
When I do a deployment with cap deploy:migrations, the Capistrano command that gets executed looks like th...
From what I understand by default code will be deployed too all roles defined. Let's say you have a db on a different machine then your web server. You define roles for both the web server and the db then deploy. Currently my capistrano script is deploying the source to both machines. I want it to deploy source only to the web server.
I am using capistrano to deploy a ruby on rails project. I am attempting to login to remote server as user 'deploy' and deploy this application.
When I ssh into box as deploy and git clone the project it works
ssh deploy@remote_box
git clone [email protected]:lumdum/demo.git
However when I run using capistrano it says that permission ...
I am using git submodule feature with capistrano. I have
set :deploy_via, :remote_cache
set :git_enable_submodules,1
Everything works great. However remote_cache option is only applied to main app. Which means that every single time I deploy the app all submodules pull in all changes and that takes a lot of time.
Is there a way to t...
I've used capistrano for a long time, but always for sites that weren't critical. If something went wrong, a few minutes of downtime weren't a big problem.
Now I'm working on a more critical service and need to cover my edge cases. One of which is if my local connection to a server becomes interrupted in the middle of a deployment.
The scenario:
I make some changes in a single file locally and run git add, git commit and git push
The file is pushed to the remote origin master repository
I have another local repository that is deployed via capistrano with the "remote_cache" method from that remote repository
Now I don't want to deploy the whole application...