
How do I detect whether the file system is case-sensitive?

I have a List<String> of file names from a folder and a certain file name as String. I want to detect whether the file name is in the list, but need to respect the underlying file system's property of whether it is case-sensitive. Is there any easy way to do this (other than the "hack" of checking System.getProperty("", "").toLow...

Case-insensitive File.equals on case-sensitive file system

I have a file path in String form. In Java, I need to determine if that file exists on the file system (and our code needs to be cross-platform as it runs on Windows, Linux and OS X). The problem is that the case of the file path and the file itself may not match, even though they do represent the same file (presumably this is because t...

Are there issues using Dim foo As Foo in VB.NET?

In a recent VB.NET project I adopted the naming conventions I'm used to using in C#. Namely, often calling a variable the same name as the class it references, only with a different case, e.g. Foo foo = new Foo(); // C# Dim foo As New Foo() ' VB.NET I find this is often the clearest way to write code, especially for small methods. Th...

Detecting case mismatch on filename in Windows (preferably using python)?

Hi, I have some xml-configuration files that we create in a Windows environment but is deployed on Linux. These configuration files reference each other with filepaths. We've had problems with case-sensitivity and trailing spaces before, and I'd like to write a script that checks for these problems. We have Cygwin if that helps. Example...

Are .NET string operations case sensitive?

Are .NET string functions like IndexOf("blah") case sensitive? From what I remember they aren't, but for some reason I am seeing bugs in my app where the text in the query string is in camel case (like UserID) and I'm testing for IndexOf("userid"). ...

mamp make the filenames case insensitive

in mamp which uses apache is there a way to make the files names filenames case insensitive? ...

PHP Parsing Case Sensitivity

I'm parsing a file that is set up like so: <blah-name name="Turkey"> <blah-city name="Test"/> <CAPS> <type type="5"> <type-two type="6"> </CAPS> At the top of my file, I create $xmlobj, like so: $xmlobj = simplexml_load_file("TEST.XML"); I'm then inserting the values into a table by creating a class that takes all of these as p...

Windows(dev) to Linux(prod) Zend Framework migration errors

Hi Guys, I'm getting the following error migrating my code across from my Windows dev machine to my linxu production machine. I'm aware there are always separator and case sensitivity issues (which I have fixed), however this one seems to be coming from the Framework itself. My controllers are all following the convention (Uppercase f...

Sql Server check case sensitivity?

How can I check to see if an SQL Server is case sensitive? I have previously been running the query: SELECT CASE WHEN 'A' = 'a' THEN 'NOT CASE SENSITIVE' ELSE 'CASE SENSITIVE' END But I am looking for other ways as this has actually given me issues in the past. Edit - A little more info: An existing product has many pre-written Store...

How to determine if an instance of SQL Server is case sensitive or not

How can I find out if an instance of SQL Server 2005 allows case sensitive databases or not? By case sensitive, I mean case sensitivity of the objects in the database, i.e. the following two statements are not equivalent: SELECT * FROM TABLE SELECT * FROM table I've looked in the property pages of the server (in Management Studio) bu...

Finding all caps in columns?

When working with MySQL, how can I fetch all rows where the name column is all uppercase? Since equality is case insensitive, I'm not quite sure how to do this. ...

Uppercase and lowercase urls in PHP

I have created folders in my root example: or When I type (Cube in lowercase), it shows page not found. I'm using Apache server. People are linking to pages with lowercase, uppercase, mixed case - whatever. What do I do to make the...

How to do a case-sensitve incremental search in Emacs of an all lower case pattern?

In Emacs, by default, incremental search is case-insensitive. However, if you type any upper case characters as part of the search string, it becomes a case-sensitive search. So the question is, how do you easily perform a case-sensitive search of an all lower case pattern. The fewer the characters and easier to remember the better. ...

Best practice for C# Auto-Implemented Property and local variable that differ only by case?

Let me give you an example: public class MyClass { public string MyProperty { get; set; } public MyClass(string myProperty) { MyProperty = myProperty; // bad? this.MyProperty = myProperty; // good? } } I've taken to using this in this scenario, because I have minor paranoia that relying on case alone m...

May I safely treat email addresses lower case?

In theory emails are case sensitive. But using emails as system login I want them to be all lower case (i.e. [email protected] and [email protected] cannot be different users). Can this be a problem for some users who use case sensitivity in their email address? Does somebody use it out there? Edit: Because there are many "preserve case on s...

PHP array, Are array indexes case sensitive?

I don't know if this is a problem yet but wanted to start thinking about it. Question: "Are PHP array indexes case sensitive"? Example: $a=array("a"=>"Dog","b"=>"Cat","c"=>"Horse","A"=>"Dog","B"=>"Cat","C"=>"Horse"); print_r($a); Results: Array ( [a] => Dog [b] => Cat [c] => Horse [A] => Dog [B] => Cat [C] => Horse ) I've run a ...

Can I use camel-case in CSS class names

I want to name a CSS class and call it imgSuper. Can I use camel-casing in CSS classes? ...

SQL Server: impact of column collation on T-SQL instructions

I discovered(*) today that, depending on the server, my TSQL commands were case-sensitive, meaning that, when one table's column is named tableId, the following instruction might not succeed: SELECT TableId FROM myTable Depending on the column's collation. SQL_Latin1_blablabla seems not to be case-sensitive, when Latin1_blablabla is. ...

problem while compiling java code on network drive, it creating class files in lowercase

i am using clear-case source control, i created my vob repository(which has my java source code) on the network drive, when i rum my javac compiler on the source it compiles fine but it is generating class files in lowercase where it should start with uppercase letter. i have seen the code every thing mentioned perfect. then i tried to c...

On which operating systems or browsers are CSS font-family names case-sensitive

According to sitepoint (a source I typically highly trust) when specifying font-family names some Operating Systems/Browsers may be case-sensitive. I've typically always used mixed-case values but I'm wondering if lower-case values will work just the same? I don't have an overwhelming preference either way - but I'd hate for a page to ...