
Java Swing - JList custom cell rendering - capturing actions

Any time I make a custom cell renderer for a JList, any elements I add to it don't ever respond to actions. For instance, If I have the cell renderer return a JPanel with elements on it, one of which has an ActionListener, it doesn't respond at all. Why is this? ...

Pygtk cellrender combox + progress bar in a treeview

So the issue is if the combobox of the row is open (pop'd up) and I update the progress bar value self.store.set(iter, 2, self.core.progress ) Then the combo box immediately closes, if the update happens a couple of times a second the combobox is useless... Is there a way to update the progress bar without causing the combobox to c...

Have something loaded only when JList item is visibile

Hello, i'm implementing a Jlist populated with a lot of elements. Each element corresponds to a image so i'd like to show a resized preview of them inside each row of the list. I've implemented a custom ImageCellRenderer extending the Jlabel and on getListCellRendererComponent i create the thumbnail if there'snt any for that element. Eac...

User input in datagrid with custom component

Hi guys and girls, I Would like to narrow down my problem as follows: 1) I have a datagrid where one of the columns is rendered using a symbol containing an input text control as well as a static text control which looks almost like this: [],000 (where '[]' implies the input textbox. 2) my cell renderer renders the column correctly. I...

GObject Subclassing in Ruby for custom CellRenderer in GtkTreeView

I am trying to implement a customized CellRenderer in Ruby/GTK, and I've already found this suggestion: GObject subclassing in Ruby However, when I try the following: class CellRendererCustom < Gtk::CellRendererText type_register #register within gobject system? def initialize super end def get_size(widget, cell_area) ...

Swing: TableCellRenderer that uses boldface for some of the cells

Simple question, but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere online. How do you use a custom TableCellRenderer to render some of the table cells in boldface? I know how to use TableCellRenderer to set the background color on a cell-by-cell basis. You do something like: public class MyTableCellRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRender...

Java Swing: Set member which is displayed in JListBox

Is there a comparable mechanism to the .NET "set DisplayMember" for the JListBox Swing component? Overriding the toString() method is not sufficient because I also want to be able to change the display member at runtime. I also looked into implementing my own ListCellRenderer, but found it not very convenient. Ist there a easier or mo...

Creating a table with an initial element selected

I want to create a table which displays in each row a set of data, in addition to a radio button for possible selection. This can be achieved easily by using a simple table model class which extends the DefaultTableModel and a cell renderer and editor class which implements the TableCellRenderer and TableCellEditor interfaces respective...

PyGTK: Doubleclick on CellRenderer

Hello! In my PyGTK application I currently use 'editable' to make cells editable. But since my cell contents sometimes are really really large I want to ask the user for changes in a new window when he doubleclicks on a cell. But I could not find out how to hook on double-clicks on specific cellrenderers - I don't want to edit the whole...

How to truncate a text in a custom GtkCellRenderer?

Hi. I trying to create custom GtkCellRenderer with some text. And I want this text truncated, when a size of GtkCellRenderer is smaller than size of text. For example: How can I do this? Is this some property of CellRenderer or PangoLayout or I need to do this manually? P.S. Sorry for my English. ...

PyGTK: Manually render an existing widget at a given Rectangle? (TextView in a custom CellRenderer)

Hello! I am trying to draw a TextView into the cell of a TreeView. (Why? I would like to have custom tags on text, so they can be clickable and trigger different actions/popup menus depending on where user clicks). I have been trying to write a customized CellRenderer for this purpose, but so far I failed because I find it extremely di...

JTable after setDefaultRenderer Row selection problem

This is my JTable Renderer class. After I applied this to my jTable, when i click on the row it only highlight the cell instead of whole row. I tried to setRowSelection(true) and setCellSelection(false) but still no use. class jTableRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer { public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable tab...

How to make the jList selectable inside a jTable.

How to make the jList selectable and jScrollPane scrollable inside a jTable. This is my table code : private JTable getCalendarTable() { if (calendarTable == null) { calendarTable = new JTable() { public boolean isCellEditable(int nRow, int nCol) { if (nRow % 2 != 0) { return ...

Java - Changing JTable renderer per class

Hello, I was hoping someone could explain something to me as I found my solution, but I don't understand why it works. I wanted to set a default renderer by Class type to a whole table, not knowing at creation where objects will be in it. I had declared a JTable and set the default renderer to that of my own, for the Calendar class so...

gtk: set cellrenderertext foreground color when a row is highlighted

When I have a gtk.CellRendererText, I can associate its foreground color with one of the tree store's columns, and set the foreground-set attribute to True, to change the color of the text in that column. However, when the row with the colored column is selected, its color disappears, and is the same as any selected cell's color. How do ...

JTree selected node background being rendered even when setopaque(true)

I have a JTree and I am trying to have a customized look and feel to it, but I am having problems with my cell rendering. Even after writing my own cell renderer, I find that a blue rectangle region marks which cell is selected in the tree, the default for the java look and feel. Any area on the tree that is not painted by the cell rende...

Custom TableCellRenderer not working (table row rendering)

Hi, I'm trying to render an specific row of my jtable (it should have a different background color and it should have bold characters). I found several questions regarding how to implement a custom TableCellRenderer (here and here) and the tutorial How to Use Tables and this one (Table Row Rendering). I'm using a JInternalFrame to dis...