
How can I reference the value (or any other property) of the selected item in a CFTREE?

I have a CFTREE (format = "Flash") used to display a hierarchy of users. For the lowest level of the hierarchy, I want to open a popUpWindow using an existing JavaScript function. I've tried adding "javascript:myPopUpFunc(...)" to the href property, but it does not work. I need to pass values in the URL based on item that was clicked (i....

Ways to remove the blue background of a visited cftree cftreeitem?

I have a CF8 html cftree that when you select each cftreeitem it is given a blue background. I have experimented with adding styles to the form and that does not work. I have tried marking up the display= attribute of the cftreeitem and that half works (can control color but not vlink, visited, or text-decoration). The closest that I hav...