
Special Character Meanings Defined

In Python's module named string, there is a line that says whitespace = ' \t\n\r\v\f'. ' ' is a space character. '\t' is a tab character. '\n' is a newline character. '\r' is a carriage-return character. '\v' maps to '\x0b' (11). What does it mean and how might it be typed on a keyboard (any OS)? '\f' maps to '\x0c' (12). What doe...

What's HTML character code 8203?

What does the character code (HTML) &#8203;? I found it in one of my jQuery scripts and wondered what it was.. Thanks. Edit: Here is the script it was in (it was added to the end, found it in Firebug) {literal} <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var $...

Prevent HTML character codes from being rendered in textarea

Is it possible to display HTML character codes stored in a text field in SQL to a textarea without rendering them as their appropriate character? i wasnt & to show up as &amp; (the way it's stored in the table). Or is their a way I should be storing the HTML so I won't need to worry about this? (site is using PHP) ...