
How to set encoding in .getJSON JQuery

In my web app, i submit some form fields with JQuery $.getJSON() Method. I am having some problems with the encoding. The character-set of my app is charset=ISO-8859-1 but i think this fields are submitted with UTF-8. Does anyone know, how can i set encoding in $.getJSON calls? ...

international characters in Javascript

I am working on a web application, where I transfer data from the server to the browser in XML. Since I'm danish, I quickly run into problems with the characters æøå. I know that in html, I use the "æøå" for æøå. however, as soon as the chars pass through javascript, I get black boxes with "?" in them when using æøå...

How to send SOAP requests in ISO-8859-1 with Flex ?

Flex uses by default UTF-8. I have not fount a way to specify a different encoding/charset on the actionscript WebService class. Thanks in advance for your help ...

PHP: Current encoding used to send data to the browser

How can I know what encoding will be used by PHP when sending data to the browser? I.e. with the Cotent-Type header, for instance: iso-8859-1. ...

How to get the charset from an HTML page

Hi all, I'm trying to get the charset attribute in any HTML meta tag. (ie.< meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" >) Is there any way to do that in C++ under linux. I was using HTML tidy as a parser but I can't get that attribute to return me anything different from us-ascii (even if the encoding is utf-8...

MS Office hyperlinks change code page ?!?

When you paste the following URL into IE:, the link on the right of the page cleanly says "Download Zoomit (77 KB)". If you paste the link into an Office document (Word, Excel, PowerPoint -- tested using Office 2003), and activate the link from the document, that same text ha...

Is there a way to see if a character is using 1 or 2 bytes in Delphi 2009?

Hi, Delphi 2009 has changed its string type to use 2 bytes to represent a character, which allows support for unicode char sets. Now when you get sizeof(string) you get length(String) * sizeof(char) . Sizeof(char) currently being 2. What I am interested in is whether anyone knows of a way which on a character by character basis it ...

How do I set the character set using XMLHttp Object for a POST in classic ASP?

I have to use the XMLHttp object in classic ASP in order to send some data to another server via HTTP from server to server: sURL = SOME_URL Set oXHttp = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") "POST", sURL, false oXHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset:ISO-8859-1;" sPost = SOME_F...

Should I migrate a MySQL database with a latin1_swedish_ci collation to utf-8 and, if so, how?

The MySQL database used by my Rails application currently has the default collation of latin1_swedish_ci. Since the default charset of Rails applications (including mine) is UTF-8, it seems sensible to me to use the utf8_general_ci collation in the database. Is my thinking correct? Assuming it is, what would be the best approach to ...

URL rewriting - international letters

How should I format URLs with special/international characters? Currently I try to make URLs "look good", so that: is a test, do you know how? is converted to: I know some international letters could be converted (ü = ue, æ = ae, å = aa), some characters could be re...

Question mark characters displaying within text, why is this?

I have a backup server that automatically backs up my live site, both files and database. On the live site, the text looks fine, but when you view the mirrored version of it, it displays '?' within some of the text. This text is stored within the news database table. Here is a screen shot of it being on the live server and of it on the...

How to use SQL_ASCII encoding in a rails application?

I have to connect to a legacy postgre database wich has ENCODING = 'SQL_ASCII';. How do I set this encoding in my rails app? ...

mysql charset cli

how do i determine what a mysql db's charset is set to? in the cli? ...

converting character encoding using a posix c function

Is there a standard posix C function to convert encodings, say from windows-1251 to utf-8 and back? ...

php output showing little black diamonds with a question mark

I'm writing a php program that pulls from a db source. Some of the varchars have quotes that are displaying as black diamonds with a question mark in them (unkown charecters, I assume from microsoft word text). How can I use php to strip these charecters out? ...

how to force php to use utf-8 charset

errr im not sure if my question's title is clear enough but i'll try my best to explain i really am not sure about how php executes the function mysql_query in terms of retrieval and storageof strings, does it recognize any character set encodings used in the table? and does my browser by default overrides any character encodings sent th...

How do I determine the character set of a string?

I have several files that are in several different languages. I thought they were all encoded UTF-8, but now I'm not so sure. Some characters look fine, some do not. Is there a way that I can break out the strings and try to identify the character sets? Perhaps split on white space then identify each word? Finally, is there an easy ...

Scrape a price off a website

Hi, I'm trying to scrape a price from a web page using PHP and Regexes. The price will be in the format £123.12 or $123.12 (i.e., pounds or dollars). I'm loading up the contents using libcurl. The output of which is then going into preg_match_all. So it looks a bit like this: $contents = curl_exec($curl); preg_match_all('/(?:\$|£)[0-...

jQuery $.get() charset of reply when no header is set?

Hi, I just recently installed Winamp Song Requester wich is a Winamp web song requester plugin with a built in minimal HTTP CGI Server. What the plugin does is that it runs a web server, serves a html page with some special variables wich it replaces with actual data on request (playlist, request queue, time left in song etc). I saw th...

phpmyadmin displays japanese characters as a bunch of question marks even if i set charset and collation to utf8_unicode_ci

okee, i followed all instructions i could find here and i could display all kinds of multilingual characters on my pages... the problem is in phpmyadmin the japanese characters are replaced by question marks, as in a bunch of ???? ??? pieced together i think there's a problem with my database's collation but i just wanted to verify that ...