
get 'ldftn' function pointer in C#

in cil code, ldftn is used to get the function pointer address to call the delegate constructor(i.e. .ctor(object, native int)). How to get the function pointer used to construct delegate in C#? ...

Reverse engineering a byte array of msil code

Hello, Is there a way to take a chuck of msil code saved as a byte stream and reverse engineer it to some higher level code (e.g. C#)? Edit: MSIL instructions that are not a whole assembly Thanks, Jon ...

MSIL - how do you invoke a private method from MSIL?

I'm writing a "weak event factory" - code which converts any Delegate into a new delegate with an identical signature, but with implementing a WeakReference on the target. I'm using MSIL to avoid calls to Delegate.CreateDelegate (which performance have shown to be slow). The weak reference delegates work perfectly as long as the underly...

MSIL question about field reference.

I have a class which has a private variable of type generic Stack. Inside the class I've declared a Foo method. After examining the IL I've noticed that the target of the method Push is actually the method call set_Property2 rather then the field of the class. How does the compiler actually make the connection between the two? public ...