
Why can I write a generic catch statement in C# that does nothing?

Possible Duplicate: Why cant I catch a generic exception in C#? I have been reviewing and writing Circuit Breaker code recently. The following method compiles, but the catch block is never entered. I have plenty of work-arounds, and this isn't the only way to get the right behavior (filtering exceptions), but I'm curious why thi...

What are some implementations of Exception filtering in the Circuit Breaker pattern?

The Circuit Breaker pattern, from the book Release It!, protects a remote service from requests while it is failing (or recovering) and helps the client manage repeated remote service failure. I like Davy Brion’s stateful circuit breaker and Ayende’s lazy timeout fix is very clean. However, I have not seen a lot of implementations of fi...

Lazy timeout resolution Circuit Breaker is throwing ArgumentOutOfRangeException.

Ayende posted a modification to Davy Brion's circuit breaker, wherein he changed the timeout resolution to a lazy model. private readonly DateTime expiry; public OpenState(CircuitBreaker outer) : base(outer) { expiry = DateTime.UtcNow + outer.timeout; } public override void ProtectedCodeIsAboutToBeCalled() { if(DateTime.Ut...