
Class Loading vs. Object creation in Java

Hi all ! I am very confused over the time at which memory is allocated to Java programs. Is it "partially done" when the class is loaded ? I have read class lifecycle to be loading-> linking-> initialization->unloading. Wouldn't some memory be consumed in these processes, even though we are NOT creating object of that class ? I am also...

How does one set a custom WebAppClassLoader in Jetty through config?

Hi, all. I am trying to configure a Jetty (6.x) WebAppContext with a custom subclass of WebAppClassLoader. In code (Scala), it's simply this: val context = new WebAppContext() val cwacl = new CustomWebAppClassLoader(context) context.setClassLoader(cwacl) ... This works fine when embedding Jetty. In production, however, I ju...

ASP.Net class loading questions

1) In a standard .Net application, are classes loaded as they are required? (e.g. If I have a class with a static constructor, is that static constructor only run the first time that class is needed?) 2) In an ASP.Net MVC (or web forms) application, is the static constructor invoked on every request that uses it? Or is it only for the f...