
ASP.Net: ClientID not correct in code-behind of a user control

The following code does not work. The markup is in a User Control and I suppose that's why ClientID returns the wrong prefix for the TextBox id. Markup: <INPUT id="txtName" runat="server" maxlength="50" style="WIDTH:100px"> <INPUT type="button" value="Find Your Doctor" id="btnFind" runat="server" style="MARGIN-LEFT:10px;WIDTH:130...

Need the clientId of a textbox inside a content control using javascript

I have a masterpage that contains all the javascript and inside the content control, there is a link that calls a javascript function and I want to pass the id once it's rendered differently by the server. <asp:TextBox ID="txtstart" runat="server" Width="20%"></asp:TextBox> <a title="Pick Date from Calendar" onclick="calendarPicker('<% ...

ClientID getting changed when deploying 2.0 website to Framework 4.0

I have a website which is hosted on GoDaddy they have version 4.0 runtime. The issue is the client id of the server controls are generated as "contentPlaceHolder1_drpBanks" where it was earlier (when the website was on some other server) getting generated as "ctl00_contentPlaceHolder1_drpBanks". What I need to know is there a way to re...

get control by clientID

hey, i work with c#, i resolve a client id of a Repeater Item control, and i want to use it in other command, how cant i get the control by his client id? TextBox TB = FindControl...? ...

Asp.Net 4 webforms clientid suffixed with `_0`

Last year we moved all our new functionality to Asp.Net MVC. However we still have a load of legacy WebForms pages with lots of Javascript, and we're not going to get the chance to upgrade them any time soon. More recently we also moved to Asp.Net 4, and that seems to have broken a load of the Javascript on these legacy pages. Where b...

Get the clientID of nested panel control in masterpage using javascript

This is the control structure ContentPlaceHolder   --> Wizard       --> Panel I am using setTimeout to display the panel after x minutes. How do I get the ClientID of the panel? The line of javascript needed is something like: setTimeout(displayExtendSession('<%= ExtendSession.ClientID %>', 600000); aspx <asp:Content ID="Conte... over ride client ID for form elements

Given a textbox: <asp:Textbox runat="server" id="txtAddress1" /> This renders as something similar to: <input name="ctl00$mainContent$txtAddress1" type="text" id="ctl00_mainContent_txtAddress1" /> I don't think browsers autocomplete features recognise this name/ID as a field they can autofill, they are not standard recognised names...