
can client side Javascript detect when server has closed http connection while client is working?

In my application, the client is a Javascript set of functions in the browser, and it does some work - for example, playing a clip. It uses XmlHttpRequest to talk to the server. However, the server is allowed to abruptly close the connection since there is no other way it seems, to interrupt the client. Can the client detect, while it i...

Easiest way to tranfer large files to remote server in .NET

Hello. I am writing a program in C# / VS2005 to back up our production database, compress it, and transfer it to a remote server. I have a simple ftp site set up on the remote server. The problem is that the file only transfers about half way (~500 - 600 MB) and the program throws the exception: "An existing connection was forcibly...

How can I analyze a closed format (e.g. doc or vce)?

I want to study the .vce format. It's a binary format and it seems more complicated than a simple object serialization. Does it exist any tool or technique to analyze a binary format? ...

WCF Web Service Fails on Receive with Large Data

I am calling a WCF Web Service locally (or remotely) that is working fine with small amounts of data (about 25 lines of < 1K of data ea). But when the data gets larger (about 300 lines) the web service fails. Below is the Exception, Inner Exception, and Stack Trace from the Inner Exception. The service also seems to be taking unusually...

Hibernate Session is closed

Hi, When I call the method session.begin transaction as follows: //session factory is instantiated via a bean Session session = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); Then I get the following exception message 6:13:52,217 ERROR [STDERR] org.hibernate.SessionException: Session is closed! at org.hibe...

how would be life without a computer?

how would be life without a computer? ...

Everytime I try to communicate with my database with stored procedures I get this "Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset"

I'm working on a Delphi project with a MS SQL Server database, I connected the database with ADOConnection, DataSource and ADOProc components from Borland Delphi 7 and I added this code in behind: procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin ADOStoredProc1.ProcedureName := 'sp_Delete_Clen'; ADOStoredProc1.Refresh; ADOStor...

JSTL: can't implement class for tag <c:forEach>

Hello! I'm trying to write a class for this (forEach) tag. Here's the class: public class BookList implements Iterable<Book> { public ArrayList<Book> book_list; public BookList() { book_list = new ArrayList<Book>(2); book_list.add(new Book("BookTitle_01","book_01.html")); book_list.add(new Book("BookTitle_02","book_02.htm...

How to make closed captioning .smi working with .wmv file using Embed Javascript

Hi, I have a embed tag to embed the Windows Media Player file on my HTML Page, I need to enable the closed captioning and for that I do have .smi file, but I am having an issue with making it work, Any suggestion or sample showing .smi embeded in html page will greatly help. Thanks, Manoj ...

process closing while saving a file - Python - Windows XP

Hello, I'm working on a project for school where e-mails will be pulled from an inbox and downloaded to different locations depending on how things are parsed. The language I'm writing in is Python, and the environment it will be run on is Windows XP. The idea is that the program will run in the background with no interaction from the us...