I have a job running robocopy to copy files from the SQL server to a backup drive.
The job runs a CmdExec type job to call a batch file that runs robocopy. my issue is although the files copy over fine the error reports dont get registared I tested this by changing the source file to a bogus drive. It still reports job success. I have ...
Is it possible to get a list of all generated tags for a given module in CVS?
I can use
cvs status -v FILE
but it shows too much information that I just don't need. I can use some gui utilities that show me only the tag names (Eclipse is one of them), how do they do it? You need to do some "hacks" or are just parameters I'm unaware ...
I need to run a counter and a timer at the same time, but I'm not sure about how to achieve it.
I have a batch file that counts the number of times any key is pressed in an easy loop made by a goto,
once its done (keypress) for the first time, it fires a timer for 1 min;
the key pressed in that time, must be stored in another variable...
Hey all-
I'm trying to run a command on all lines of a txt file through a batch file. I'm struggling to escape the characters in the IN () clause of the for loop.
This works:
for /F %%i IN (C:\test.txt) DO echo %%i
These don't:
for /F %%i IN (C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\test.txt) DO echo %%i
for /F %%i IN ("C:\Document...
I'm trying to run SCP on my Windows box through a batch file.
I want to do something like:
scp "C:\myfile.txt" user@host:path
Of course scp thinks that "C" is my source host and "\myfile.txt" is my source path. I can't seem to find a way to escape the colon.
These don't work:
scp "C\:\myfile.txt" user@host:path
scp "C::\myf...
Does a batch file execute processes in sequence only if the previous step has completed and released all file/process locks?
Suppose I have the following cmd file (mybatchfile.cmd)
echo. |TIME
java myjar.jar
echo. |TIME
and I pipe the results to a log file.
Can I be 100% confident (on windows) that my java process has completed and...
I know this has been asked 100 times before but every bit of code I try just doesn't seem to work. I am trying to compile a file and then check for a error file and read it line by line and dump it into command line:
This is what I have so far:
Set var1= %1
Set var2= %var1:.mb=.ERR%
echo %var1%
echo %var2%
"C:\Program Files\MapInfo\...
I am using windows cmd and i am trying to do the following:
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug" /v debugger /t REG_SZ
/d "%ENVIROMENT VAR%utils\cdb.exe -pv -p %ld -c """.dump /u /ma
c:\utils\1.dmp;qd""" "
As you see, first enviroment varialbe is between % and is expanded by cmd, then %ld should ...
I was able to open a command prompt from my Java program with the following code:
String cmd = "C:\\WINNT\\system32\\cmd.exe /c start";
try {
Process ps = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
} catch (IOException e) {
The above code opens the command p...
Greeting earthmen,
Here is my question:
How can I create a program which sets variable to current session of cmd.exe e.g.
c:\> set myvar
Environment variable myvar not defined
c:>set myvar
The only similar topic that I've found is this -
I have a windows cmd file that is making use of the %CD% environment variable to determine the execution directory of the cmd file.
When I run the cmd file from the command line it works correctly, meaning that the %CD% variable contains the working directory. If I double left click the cmd it also works as I expect. However if I right ...
ok, i know how to start both programs parallel, but i'd like to make TSNoise close on closing TS.
atm my .bat is this:
start /b E:\Programme\teamspeak2RC2\TeamSpeak.exe
start /b I:\Programme\TN1.0.4\TS-NOISE.exe
Can I check why does my command prompt closes when i execute this line?
for /f "tokens=1 delims=: " %%A in ('call who') do set nowuser=%%A
The script is working fine on other system except one where the script exit abnormally. I debug the batch and found out this line causes the command prompt to close totally. Is there any settings i...
I am trying to look at the method members of a class within a jar file. Currently to list all the classes within a jar file, one can call this command:
jar -tf myjar.jar but if i want to list the public methods within a particular class in this jar file, How do i go about it. Thanks
I've creating a dos batch file to process a file of input records. I've cut out the majority of the code, so here is the problem. When it reads the 3rd record, with the ampersand, the job does not write the output record, UNLESS i put double quotes around the %%H variable. However, when I do this, it adds the " to the first and last b...
Is possible to compress/archive a directory with all of its sub-directories and files in a single file from cmd.exe ? I know there are a lot of utilities available but I need to perform the operation only with the windows default utilities . I'm running windows server 2003 .
in windows, to use doctrine CLI from any directory i need to use something like
php D:\full\path\to\doctrine\bin\doctrine.php --variables here
is there anyway i can shorten this so that it becomes something like
php doctrine.php --variables here
or even
doctrine --variables here
Hi All,
I'm trying to write console data into a separate text file in cpp. Anybody help me with sample code.
I'd like to make a button or link that launches a remote assistance request to a designated computer. Is it possible to just do this through the command line? If not I'll use vb.net. Thanks!
When I have setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set in a cmd script is there any way I can escape a ! that I want to use as a parameter to a command?
@echo off
echo I want to go out with a bang!
echo I still want to go out with a bang^!