
Edit in Place CMS Suggestions

Hi there, I need to find a [very] easy to use (for editors/authors) CMS. Preferably with edit-in-place editing similar to SiteCore. We don't need something as huge and powerful as SiteCore though. Users need the ability to add pages (using set templates that we in development have provided), they also need the ability to add and editin...

Need a business perspective on Liferay CMS

friends, I am in need of making a business proposal on Liferay CMS and would like address the following. Any help in this regard is deeply appreciated. A business perspective. • What is it? • Technology stack. • What kind of business it supports. • What is the infrastructure cost involved. • Ease vs. Time of/for developments...

Is JAVA(J2EE) not good for building a wordpress like CMS?

i observed that generally all good CMS, forums and portals are written in PHP only. Some of them are written with the help of python, ruby etc. Some of the CMS which were build in Java, were not so flexible as wordpress is. Is JAVA(J2EE) not good for building a wordpress like CMS? ...

What CMS: Sitecore, KEntico, EPIServer or multiple?

At this point we are developing Sitecore websites and we are gaining experience every day. This means that we know how to adjust our approach to different types of customers and that we are able to build our applications quicker every project we do. Offcourse Sitecore is not the only W-CMS around and we have looked into other W-CMS's. Wh...

is it true that if we make any site in any cms, it may become heavy to to static

is it true that if we make any site in any cms, it may become heavy to load... static html page VS page where content coming from databse ...

Which best fits my needs: MongoDB, CouchDB, or MySQL. Criteria defined in question.

Our website needs a content management type system. For example, admins want to create promotion pages on the fly. They'll supply some text and images for the page and the url that the page needs to be on. We need a data store for this. The criteria for the data store are simple and defined below. I am not familiar with CouchDB or M...

Drupal easy question.

I'd like to ask how to link to a drupal node? I've created some page-content but don't know where they are and how to access them. I'm trying with navigation/menu etc., but still no luck. ...

PHP: Convert special characters to HTML character codes

Hey, I'm developing a CMS for a customer and he needs to edit stuff and use special characters such as ç and ®. However, I don't want him to have to enter the character codes like ®. Does anyone knows a good way to automatically convert those characters using PHP? Thanks! ...

designing a web-cms database for an assignment

Hi, I am designing a database system for a web CMS. I have added the "status" column in the "Content" table which shows the status of each content in a time. i know there are only some special values which status can accept like : 'draft', 'comment waiting', authorizing pending' and .... i want to create a check constraint to make this c...

Anyone know a convenient website suite for open-source projects?

Hi everyone, as the open source project I am working on is moving on to be more popular, we am thinking of upgrading our web site as well. At the moment we use hand-written HTML for most of the things. However, we want to make things more dynamic to allow for better collaboration and making it easier to publish documentation, tutorials,...

CMS for Multilingual Localization and Translation Workflow

Hi, I'm helping build a multilingual website in English, Chinese and French (after in Spanish, Korean and Arabic). I've collected a database of over 2000+ entries. It is essentially a huge product catalog (specifically travel packages) where more or less the info is the same (prices, sizes, numbers, etc.) but the labels change (of cour...

CMS: Build vs. Buy

Possible Duplicate: CMS: Build or Buy? I'm in the same boat as a lot of other folks. Trying to decide between two competing vendor's solutions for my company (build vs. buy, basically). I won't be coding it myself, we'll be hiring one of the two firms. It'll be a total bottom-to-top rebuild of a magazine-style site with regu...

Recommend a recent PHP book for developing simple CMS

Please recommend a recent PHP book for developing simple CMS, ideally using a class based MVC structure ...

Using a varchar(MAX) or a varbinary(MAX) to store an length-undefined string within SQL Server

Hi There! I am making a CMS of sorts and, of course, it will have a blog. So, this might be a pretty noob question, but, from a database optimization point of view, would you use a varchar(max) or a varbinary(max) to store the body of a blog post? ...

Is there a PHP image-management system that has a fully customizeable front-end?

I am searching for an image management system, based in PHP, that allows for organizing images into galleries/categories, but that has a fully customizable front-end. For example, I would like full control over what elements are on the front-end, so that I can design the gallery pages to be without any admin access or extra meta-data. I...

How can I make a "light cms" with PHP?

I really don't want to use any software, I want to learn by myself. Nothing like WordPress though. All it is, user goes to and they enter a password. After that all they see is Mark down text-editor. They put in content then click enter. then it generates to the page. Creating a short summery for the front of the page...

Dealing with null values versus empty strings in a database when only empty strings are coming from the client via HTTP POST

My MySQL database has carefully defined fields. Some fields, if there is a chance that they can be unknown, allow a NULL value. I'm writing a web-based CMS to handle the data in said database. Obviously, the post arrays from the HTML forms never contain null values, only empty strings. I don't want to confuse the users of my CMS by ad...

Simple Framework or CMS for a trading platform?

I have a relatively simple site on my hands, and have for nearly a year, but I can't seem to find a platform to build it on that doesn't fight back at the way I want to do things. Here are the key features: Customizable profiles. Profile tags. Two primary content types: Haves & Wants Both content types searchable/taggable and expire wi...

modern e-commerce package

Is there a good flexible modern e-commerce package similar to Shopify, that I can host? either open-source, or a one time payment (not too expensive). I've looked at Spree, which I like but I don't know any ruby. I'm not a fan of packages such ZenCart or Magento etc. I would prefer a PHP based product, otherwise it needs to be easy to...

APIs for implementing Document Editing and viewing features for a web app?

I'm looking for APIs to bring online document editing features for a web app - Any suggestions? The criteria of selection depends on the following factors Support for editing for common document formats (doc, docx) Support for viewing common document and presentation formats (doc, docx, pdf, ppt, pptx) The API should be easily accessib...