
Lobo Cobra HtmlPanel does not update GUI after JavaScript action

HI, I started implementing a HTML Browser in Swing. I want to use the Lobo Cobra toolkit because this toolkit inclused a renderer and parser for CSS and JavaScript. The pages are looking very nice and it is easy to use (one class implementation to show a html page). I want to show HTML pages in swing which can show javascript generate...

Need some help with XPath expression. One works, the other doesn't...

I'm using the COBRA HTMLParser but haven't had luck parsing one particular tag. Here's the source: <li id="eta" class="hentry"> <span class="body"> <span class="actions"> </span> <span class="content"> </span> <span class="meta entry">Content here </span> <span class="meta entry stub">Content here <span...

How to access CSS properties for a DOM node using the Cobra/Lobo HTML renderer

Hi, I am trying figure out how to access CSS properties for a DOM node (in this example <img> nodes) using the Cobra/Lobo toolkit. What I have at the moment is: UserAgentContext uacontext = new SimpleUserAgentContext(); DocumentBuilderImpl builder = new DocumentBuilderImpl(uacontext); URL url = new URL(TEST_URI); Input...

Java/Swing offscreen rendering (Cobra HTMLPanel -> BufferedImage) Problem: Component doesn't finish redrawing first

I'm trying to render the contents of a the Java/Swing Cobra HTML renderer to an offscreen BufferedImage, for use elsewhere in my app: slideViewPanel.setDocument(document, rendererContext); BufferedImage test = new BufferedImage(300,300,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics g = test.getGraphics(); slideViewPanel.paint(g); The resul...

HTML of a parsed page

Hi, i am using Cobra parsing engine and I wish to get HTML code of an already parsed page (e.g. after javascripts executions). Is it possible to do? Cobra may be replaced with another open-source java web parser if needed. ...