
What are some ideas for writing code samples for job applications? What would you write?

No, this isn't a 'plz send me teh codez' question, before you start! I've been looking for a new job lately, and I've found that a lot of advertisements (well, the ones for the places that I wouldn't mind working at), ask for code samples in addition to a CV. I've spent some time thinking about this, as my day job is writing PHP/HTML/C...

Code Samples to go with a Resume?

So I've been building up my website with my resume, and it occurs to me that I should post (as I've heard other people talk about) code samples. Unfortunately, I'm not entirely sure what kind of code I should post. Should I post entire projects? Should I just post a neat class with some implementation? Currently my focus is on graphics...

Where can I find 'best practice' code samples for PHP?

I've been 'hobby programming' in PHP for around a year now in my spare time, starting off with the "PHP and MySQL for Dummies" book and working through "Beginning PHP and MySQL from Novice to Professional". As I'm sure you can imagine, my knowledge is fairly limited and I'm probably already knee-deep in bad habits! I've been working on ...

APIDemos 8 Animation (Under menu App then Activity) goes not go to the animations.

Setting a debug toggle at the startActivity does not take you to an animation but the "Views/Controls/1. Light Theme" screen private OnClickListener mFadeListener = new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { // Request the next activity transition (here starting a new one). startActivity(new I...