
Google Codejam 2009 Qualification problem: Watershed in C++

I tried out this Codejam problem and produced a valid solution in C++. There is a Python solution on the website. Was wondering if any C++ people would offer some improvements/optimizations to this solution. Thanks! BTW: In Codejam the goal is to write code as fast as possible (a reason why Python would have been a better language choic...

Faster or more memory-efficient solution in Python for this Codejam problem.

I tried my hand at this Google Codejam Africa problem (the contest is already finished, I just did it to improve my programming skills). The Problem: You are hosting a party with G guests and notice that there is an odd number of guests! When planning the party you deliberately invited only couples and gave each couple a...

what does this C++ line of code mean "sol<?=f((1<<n)-1,i,0)+abs(P[i])*price;"

Could anyone help me to understand following line of code: sol< ?=f((1<< n)-1,i,0)+abs(P[i])*price; I am studying an algorithm written using c++ and it has following operator < ?= . My problem is with understanding < ?= operator. Also when I compile this code using g++ compiler , it gives error message for above line of code line of c...

Google Code Jam 2010 Large DataSets Take Too Long to Submit

Hey Guys, I'm participating in the 2010 code jam and I solved two of the problems for the small data sets, but I'm not even close to solving the large data sets in the 8 minute time frame. I'm wondering if anyone out there has solved the large data set: What hardware were you running on? What language were you running on? What perfor...