
Is there an expand.grid like function in R, returning permutations ?

to become more specific, here is an example: > expand.grid(5, 5, c(1:4,6),c(1:4,6)) Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 1 5 5 1 1 2 5 5 2 1 3 5 5 3 1 4 5 5 4 1 5 5 5 6 1 6 5 5 1 2 7 5 5 2 2 8 5 5 3 2 9 5 5 4 2 10 5 5 6 2 1...

Generate a matrix of all possible outcomes for throwing n dice (ignoring order)

In cases where order does matter, it's rather easy to generate the matrix of all possible outcomes. One way for doing this is using expand.grid as shown here. What if it doesn't? If I'm right, the number of possible combinations is (S+N-1)!/S!(N-1)!, where S is the number of dice, each with N sides numbered 1 through N. (It is differ...

Statistics: combinations in Python

I need to compute combinatorials (nCr) in Python but cannot find the function to do that in 'math', 'numyp' or 'stat' libraries. Something like a function of the type: comb = calculate_combinations(n, r) I need the number of possible combinations, not the actual combinations, so itertools.combinations does not interest me. Finally, I...

Create text files of every combination of specific lines within a base text file.

Ok, so hopefully I can explain this in enough detail for somebody to be able to help me.. I am writing a program in C# that is supposed to take a text file and replace specific text, which happen to be names of files, and print a new text file for every single combination of the given filenames. The specific places to change the text of ...

Getting all possible combinations of N items in X Groups.

I have a list of Groups that can vary in number, with Items in these groups that also vary in number. I've been racking my head over a way to get all possible combinations of 1 Item from every Group. Bonus: I also need all combinations of not having every items from a group. I've seen and done what was mentioned before, but that requ...

Compute rank of a combination?

I want to pre-compute some values for each combination in a set of combinations. For example, when choosing 3 numbers from 0 to 12, I'll compute some value for each one: >>> for n in choose(range(13), 3): print n, foo(n) (0, 1, 2) 78 (0, 1, 3) 4 (0, 1, 4) 64 (0, 1, 5) 33 (0, 1, 6) 20 (0, 1, 7) 64 (0, 1, 8) 13 (0, 1, 9) 24 (0, 1, 10...

Generating Combinations in python

I am not sure how to go about this in Python, if its even possible. What I need to do is create an array (or a matrix, or vector?) from 3 separate arrays. Each array as 4 elements as such, they return this: Class1 = [1,2,3,4] Class2 = [1,2,3,4] Class3 = [1,2,3,4] Now what I would like to do is return all possible combinations of thes...

Find set of numbers in one collection that adds up to a number in another.

For a game I'm making I have a situation where I have a list of numbers say [7, 4, 9, 1, 15, 2] (named A for this) and another list of numbers say [11, 18, 14, 8, 3] (named B) provided to me. The goal is to find all combinations of numbers in A that add up to a number in B. For example: 1 + 2 = 3 1 + 7 = 8 2 + 9 = 11 4 + 7 = 11 1...

Display possible combinations of string

I am trying to take a string and display the possible combinations of it (in PHP), but while saying in order of each word. For example: "how are you" would return (an array) How are you How are are you how you are The code I have now displays all combinations but I am wanting it to keep them in order and not flip words. Any one have a...

Generate many combinations of numbers based on...

Hey All, I was just wondering if there's a way to generate many different combinations of numbers and letters, based off of just one number/letter? For example: From just this one String: 234jk43fc7898cfg58 We could generate MANY different combos like: HGYTD786Gjhghjg76fghf8 8976sgh8976 cv34905bv7 435bv4875bvg487bv 45b6467ne456n 4n5...

How many combinations of k neighboring pixels are there in an image?

I suck at math, so I can't figure this out: how many combinations of k neighboring pixels are there in an image? Combinations of k pixels out of n * n total pixels in the image, but with the restriction that they must be neighbors, for each k from 2 to n * n. I need the sum for all values of k for a program that must take into account th...

Java, lottery calculuator

Ok so i am really bored and have decided to make a lottery calculator type thing (yes i know, i am sad!) Anyway, i was wondering if there was a java library method/class for working out permutations/combinations. I want to generate all possible number sets, that have 6 numbers from 1 - 49 with no repeats in them If this isnt available...

Permutating through the array of chars

Suppose you need to discover all possible permutations of 'n' distinct characters, say 'a', 'b', 'c'. Can you suggest an algorithm I can use to get this done? Generally speaking, how would you go about it? ...

Algorithm to find the simplest combination of integers that has not yet been used

I am looking for an algorithm for finding the simplest combination of integers from 0 to 5 (that is the one that consists of the fewest number of integers) that has not yet been used (the used combinations are in a list). The order does matter and the combinations should be returned in a list. For example, the list with the used number...

How to select distinct List<T>'s from a List<List<T>>?

HI, I am working on a simple class to combine items of any type... this is for a poker game, this is how it looks: public static List<List<T>> combinar<T>(List<T> items, int take) { List<List<T>> combs = new List<List<T>>(); var stuff = permutar<T>(items, take); var all = from s in stuff select new Tuple<Lis...

Getting all combinations of array items while preserving sequence - Ruby

Given an array of strings ["the" "cat" "sat" "on" "the" "mat"] I'm looking to get all combinations of items in sequence, from any starting position, e.g. ["the"] ["the" "cat"] ["the" "cat" "sat"] ... ["cat" "sat" "on" "the" "mat"] ["sat" "on" "the" "mat"] ["on" "the" "mat"] ... ["sat" "on"] ["sat" "on" "the"] Combinations out of t...

Finding all sentences from list of keywords to dict

I have list of possible words to make anagram of the given words. Each string of list is key to dictionary and has value of one or more words. Which is the best (fastest, pythonic) way to make all possible sentences in the order of the keys from the words in each list of the corresponding keys in the dictionary. Lists have variable numbe...

A concatenate formula to create a list of all and any possible combinations of rows in excel (OSX 2008)

Hello, I have looked into every nook and simply cannot find the exit here, so if anybody can, please provide some insight.. (Mac OSX user - MS Excel 2008 (no VBA) I have a list of content categories (string) from different sources (index) and my task is to create a list for a mapping document that will concatenate (or not) each row fro...

How do I get all the possible combinations of neighboring items in a subsequent order using Perl?

For example, I have an array my @arr = qw(0 1 2 3 4); How do I get the following combinations: 0 01 012 0123 01234 1 12 123 1234 2 23 234 3 34 4 If any, what's the name for this kind of combination (or permutation)? Thanks like always! ...

Most efficient way of randomly choosing a set of distinct integers

I'm looking for the most efficient algorithm to randomly choose a set of n distinct integers, where all the integers are in some range [0..maxValue]. Constraints: maxValue is larger than n, and possibly much larger I don't care if the output list is sorted or not all integers must be chosen with equal probability My initial idea wa...