
C# Adding Events!!!

how can I add a double click event to a control that doesn't have a double click event =P like a combo box!!! ...

What is the name of the control that combines the function of a button and a combobox?

What is the name of the control that combines the function of a button and a combobox? Visual Studio's open file dialog has this control for the "Open" button. You can select "Open" or "Open With". But once you select an action, the corresponding action is taken. Lastly, is this control available as a standard control in .NET or in Q...

In a WPF combobox is it wise to use a string type value as the SelectedValue and SelectedValuePath?

Following on from my other post about primary keys I am wondering if there is a performance impact in using a string value as the key in WPF comboboxes. For example <ComboBox x:Name="TestCB" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Products}" DisplayMemberPath="ProductName" SelectedValuePath="ShortCode" SelectedValue="{Binding Pat...

How can I define a custom (datamember) view for a databound sealed object on a combobox?

Take System.Drawing.Point for example. If wanted to bind a few points to a comboBox with a special view that displays: Point 1: 1, Point 2: 2 Point 1: 5, Point 2: -3 ... Point 1: -7, Point 2: -6 Since I can not modify System.Drawing.Point, and I would like a solution that works for a large dataset coming from a database, is there a way...

ASP.NET AjaxControlToolkit Combobox - Disallow insert of items

I want to use the new combobox control of the Ajax control Toolkit. But I need it only for selecting an entry of a given list. The user should not be able to insert own items into the list. How to prevent this? The ItemInsertLocation seems to have no value to set this behaviour. ...

dynamically binding data to a combobox in datagridview

I have a datagridview which is bound to a databindingsource one of the column in this datagridview is a combobox the combobox is also bound to a different binding source now my requirement is that once an item from the the combobox is entered into a row that item should not be shown in the combobox later. for eg. i have doctor,engineer,...

ASP.NET AjaxControlToolkit change Combobox content dynamically per Ajax

If I understand it right the new ACT ComboBox Control is Bound once to a given Datasource. But the count of the records I want to bind is very large. So I want to load the content of the ComboBox List via Ajax after the user typed in a few charachters. So at page load the combobox list should be empty and if something is typed in the lis...

displaying enumeration values in a DataGridComboBox problem

Hi. I have a dll that has a class called Series. This class has a field which is an enumeration of DataTypes. I am binding the datagrid to a list of objects of this class, and I am able to display the enumeration values in a combobox fashion However, the values' names don't make a lot of sense. For example, I want to display 'prc' as 'pr...

WPF - How Combobox knows when to close the drop down menu

Hi Friends. I am a little new to wpf. I wanna write a control similar to ComboBox and I'm wondering if anybody knows how to get noticed when a user clicks not inside the combobox boundries. Because combobox closes it's dropdown in this situation. ...

How to implement a XAML Radio Button control with an ObservableCollection source?

I have the following ComboBox element in XAML: <ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding CollectionControlValues}" SelectedItem="{Binding CollectionControlSelectedValue, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"> <ComboBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Value}" /> </DataTemplate> </Combo...

How to display default text "--Select Team --" in combo box on pageload in WPF?

Hi, In a WPF app, in MVP app I have a combo box,for which I display the data fetched from Database. Before the items added to the Combo box, I want to display the default text such as " -- Select Team --" , so that on pageload it displays and on selecting it the text should be cleared and the items should be displayed. Selecting data ...

How to get Flex 3 ComboBox width to adjust based on bound dataProvider contents having changed?

In Flex 3, I've created a ComboBox within an MXML component similar to the following: <mx:ComboBox id="comboBox" dataProvider="{_choices}" /> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ import mx.collections.ArrayCollection; // etc... public function get choices():ArrayCollection { return _choices; } [Bindable] private var _choices:ArrayCollectio...

How to make editable WPF combobox which only allowed to enter displayed item list?

Hi All, I have one WPF editable combobox, but I only want user to allow to enter the text which is the start text of the displayed items in the combobox drop down list. For example, Combobox with the following items, Book Book2 Cat Tree User is only allowed to type B, Bo, Boo, Book, Book2, C, Ca, Cat, T, Tr, Tre, Tree. Thanks ...

WPF: ComboBox cannot be opened after appying style

I used XamlPadX to copy the defaultstyle of the ComboBox and pasted it into my app ressources. Now after that I cannot open the combobox anymore. If I click on the dropdown button, nothing happens. Another thing is bugging me. Altough the app compiles and runs, the designer shows me an error on the following line: <ComboBox Name="modi...

jquery: accordion and combobox

Greetings, I got trapped by following problem: We got an non-accordion Menu, and within this menu several combo boxes. The problem is, that actually none of the combo boxes are shown properly (no matter if you use the "traditional" combo boxes, or some fancy sexy-combo, /auto complete combo boxes etc.). Here the code: <html xmlns="...

Flex: Displaying more than 5 things at a time in a DropDown (ComboBox)

I have a ComboBox in Flex with about 20 items. How do I display all of them in a dropdown with no scroll bar? Right now, Flex displays 5 at a time in the dropdown and puts a scrollbar to scroll for more. Here's an example:

Insert a combo box in a list view cell with Delphi 5

Hi, I'd like to put a TComboBox in a TListView component. Any idea how I could do that ? I don't have a clue, I'm not a delphi guru x_x. Also, I can't use external components. Any help is welcome :) ...

How do you refresh a combo box item in-place?

The ComboBox Items collection is an ObjectCollection, so of course you can store anything you want in there, but that means you don't get a Text property like you would with, say, a ListViewItem. The ComboBox displays the items by calling ToString() on each item, or using reflection if the DisplayMember property is set. My ComboBox is i...

WPF: Dropdown of a Combobox highlightes the text

When I type in the combobox I automatically opens enables the dropdown list searchComboBox.IsDropDownOpen = true; The problem here is - the text gets highlighted and the next keystrock overwrites the previous text. How can I disable the text highlighting when ComboBox DropDown opens up? ...

Silverlight 2 ImplicitStyleManager and Combobox

Hi, When I create a template for a combobox in generic.xaml, I get crashes with a combobox that contains Images. Even if the template is a exact copy of the original one. When I remove the template from generic.xaml, everything works. Is this a known problem or am I doing something wrong? I have tried the template found in System.Wind...