
WPF combobox databinding both to custom objects and to datatable.showing System.Data.DataRowView in dropdown list items

Hello Gurus! I've posted a similar problem here and wasn't able to successfully implement the solution suggested to me as it wasn't working.I've found a way round and wanted to improve it by binding the combobox to a custom objects to enable data is the xaml for this one <Window xmlns:data="clr-namespace:Myproject"> <...

Event when ComboBoxItem in ComboBox gets selected

What event do I have to listen for, to get notified when a user selects an option from a (editable) WPF ComboBox control? Do I have to access the Items property first to then listen to Items.CurrentChanged? And if so, how do I add that listener in XAML? ...

Html - From checkbox to combobox

In the web app I am currently developing I have a form, and one of the fields is a boolean "IsFixedCost" (true/false). The natural way, to me, to represent it on the form is with a checkbox: FixedCost? (checked = true, unchecked = false). My boss forced me to change it in a combobox: FixedCost? -> option1: Fixed, option2: Variable bec...

How to bind combo box in data grid, in .net winforms?

i am developing billing software using .net win application. so i need to bind combo box in grid column1, column2. how can i do that? ...

ComboBox & SelectedItem setting on dropdown opening

Hi all. I have a ComboBox control of DropDown type which contains items "Vx", "V", "G", "g". Edit field text is "V" ( :) The problem is: when I open dropdown list, item "Vx" highlighted as selected, not "V". So I assume combobox uses FindString to find SelectedItem - so search result is equivalent to first matched item by case-insensi...

ComboBox:How do i set the height of ComboBox?

I have a ComboBox a on form, and its' default height is 21 - how do i change it? ...

Setting SelectedIndex in ComboBox DropDown eventhandler

Hello! Recently I reproduced strange behaviour of this message at my Windows 7. May be it is a feature, and may be it is not depends on Windows 7, please correct me if it is right behaviour. In MSDN we see An application sends a CB_SETCURSEL message to select a string in the list of a combo box. If necessary, the list scrolls t...

Prototype library component for the select box options

Hi folks, An UI question... There are two select boxes between which there are two buttons "<<" and ">>". When you hit the "<<" button the selected items from the select item on the right moves to the left and similarly from left to right ">>". I am not sure what this kind of set up is called in terms of or jargon or terminology ;) I ...

Where can I find the ASP.Net MVC2 combo box?

I can't find it in the toolbox anywhere. What control do I have available that is similar to a Windows Forms combo box? ...

Strange issue binding to ComboBox where the display value sometimes shows up blank

I'm seeing a strange issue when binding to ComboBox where the display value sometimes shows up blank. The case is repeatable however and happens the second time a dialog opened from another parent form. If the parent form is closed and reopened then the first time it's child dialog is opened the contained WPF ComboBox shows the display p...

Comboboxes in GridView are synchronized instead of bound to the value from the database

I have tried to set up combo boxes in the gridview but all the combo boxes have the same value in them instead of the value from the database. I am using entity framework and WPF. There is a parent child relationship between two tables but the source for the combo box is a separate table with names and IDs for tags. I have been looking a...

QComboBox and QSpinBox in QTableWidget with appropriate alignment.

How to create a QTable widget which has 2 columnes, and in first column there is a QComboBox and in the second column there is a QSpinBox so that the combo box gets all the space of table and only a very small place leaves for QSpinBox (for 2-3 digits). ...

ComboBox in windows forms Datagridview control

I have a datagridview on a windows form. It has clolumn [EmployeeNumber, EmployeeName and EmployeeDepartment]. I want to be able to edit values directly in the grid but i want EmployeeDepartment to be a combobox column, such that on cell edit, a combobox shows up with available options for the employee department. Has any one been able...

Editing child objects of a combo box using c# and Wpf

Hi Backgorund I am currently writing a program that allows a user to select a manufacture from a combo box. The combo box is created in wpf using the following wpf code segment: <ComboBox Height="23" Margin="40.422,128.423,229.908,0" Name="itemProductManufacture" ToolTip="Click to open drop down menu" VerticalAlignment="Top" Text="Sel...

ExtJS combo elements disappear on select

I have a simple combo box with some values in it, populated by a json store. The problem is that when I click the drop down and select a value, all the other values disappear so that I cannot select another value. Heres my code: Ext.onReady(function(){ var dropDownStore = new{ autoDestroy: false, fields: ['g...

Get previous value of QComboBox, which is in a QTableWidget, when the value is changed

Say I have a QTableWidget and in each row there is a QComboBox and a QSpinBox. Consider that I store their values is a QMap theMap; When comboBoxes value or spin boxes value is being changed I want to update "theMap". So I should know what was the former value of the combo box in order to replace with the new value of the combo box and...

Need to populate two textboxes in adobe acrobat based on selection from combobox

Comboboxes in Acrobat do not allow text alignment or multiple lines. So I need to be able to select from a drop down box and my choice populate two textboxes. ...

Combobox with multiple columns

Scenario: I am in the process of moving an application from access to C# and on one of the forms(in access) the user is able to select a drop down that has 3 columns (ID, FirstName, LastName). Once they select from the list the ID is displayed on the drop down. Question: Is it possible to recreate this functionality using a combo box? W...

Problem in datagridview in .net winforms.

I have return cellvaluechanged event for my column1 which contains the category combo box.if i select the category i need to display the selectedvalue to column 4 .how can i do that?.. ...

Binding array of struct to the ToolStripCombobox

Hi guys. I am trying to bind array of structs to the ToolStripCombobox but with no success. I've tried to use it like in this example but I am getting error when I try to setup a value member. My code looks like this: public struct PlayTimeLength { public string Description; public double Seconds; public PlayTimeLength(st...