
VBScript Outlook Form How do I set the To Field based off the value of a ComboBox?

I'm using Outlook 2007 and trying to design a form that changes the To: field based on whatever is in a ComboBox1. Simple right? I thought so, until I found the documentation extremely lacking. Everything is point me to VBScrip and I have googled to exhaustion on the topic of setting the to field in vbscript. Can someone with some out...

Using JQuery Autocomplete combobox

Hi There, Im trying to use this JQuery code in my program: Its basically a combo-box which has a auto-complete field and a dropdown button. When I try to use my combo box inside form tags, it doesnt work properly - the dropdown button keeps submitting the form when i just want to look ...

How to subclass a WPF ComboBox to add an extra button

I saw a similar question and hoped for a solution, but simply giving an advice to subclass the ComboBox is not enough for me. I need it in small spoons... The case is I need an extra button on my special comboBox for adding new records to the item list. I have this as an UserControl today but it doesn't look good and I need more control...

Passing a javascript variable to Ruby in a combo box nav

Updated Example I am using a Select Box as a nav. When I select an item, I would like to be redirected to that page. = select (@organization, "tabs", @organization.tabs.collect { |t| t.title }, {} { :onchange => "escape_javascript(#{ render edit_organization_tab_path(@organization, this.value)})"} ) So this example does not work beca...

Windows 7 style ComboBox in WPF

Hi, I'm trying to recreate the style of ComboBox in WPF that you see in windows explorer. I'm trying to create something similar to the 'Arrange by:' combobox, which is under Libraries->Documents for example. The combobox has no outline until you hover over it, and when clicked, displays a context menu which allows a single selection. ...

How to "Fill" a GridViewColumn with ComboBox (WPF) ?

I am looking for a way to "completely fill" a GridViewColumn with a combo box. I am able to create a cell template with ComboBox and it is working fine. But the width and height of ComboBox is not aligned with the GridViewColumn. Even if i try to set the same height/width GridViewColumn hides some part of the comboBox. There must be so...

Adding both a collection and a custom field to a Select Box

I am making a select box, and I'm using a collection in it. But at the top of all the selections I want to add something that otherwise wouldn't be in that collection. Here is my select box : = select (@organization, "tabs", @organization.tabs.collect { |t| [t.title,] }, {}, {:class => "text_tab_link"} ) And I would like to ad...

How to stop a bindingSouce/ComboBox from changing selection

I have a simple form with list as a data source, a binding source bound to the list, and a combo box bound to the binding source with some fields editing whatever the bindingSource.Current is. What I would like to do is if a bool is set pop up a dialog asking if they want to save changes before they change items. If they say no I want to...

Update a combo box automatically when first combo box gets some value

I have two combo boxes. I insert one value in first combo box and now i want that my second combo box updates its value according to first one. How should i do that? ...

WPF applications hanging in some scenarioes! But WHY?

Hi! Check out following scenario: A User control which contain two combo boxes... First combo box contain list of States and Second combo box contain list of Cities. When you select a state the second combo box will contain list of cities using a LINQ query. When you select another state in first combo box the second combo box's items ...

Windows Form Combobox fires SelectionChangeCommitted, SelectedValueChanged and SelectedIndexChanged event when application looses focus


Dependency between comboboxes in php/jquery

Languages: PHP,JQuery,MySQL The question is "simple", I have a triple dependency with php and jquerys, the code works great, for inserting new information, but now I would like to make an update, so I need to load the current information first and I don't figure it out how to, I add some parts of the code, if any more parts needed a...

Using Jquery for country, city and location

if australia is selected, it will show only city of australia, if city is selected, will only show location of that city ...

connect custom list with control like combobox

I have table - custom id (like 1.10,1.20) and name (string where values can repeat). And my problem is to set it to winForms control like combobox. But I want to that user in field will see only name and id will not visible but subconsciously should be connect to names in control that when user select item in combobox I can get this id. ...

Some wpf Font_Combobox questions

Hello folks, I have this code: <ComboBox Width="100" ItemsSource="{Binding FontList}" x:Name="fontComboFast"> <ComboBox.ItemsPanel> <ItemsPanelTemplate> <VirtualizingStackPanel /> </ItemsPanelTemplate> ...

Format the list items from the DataGridViewComboBox

Hello, I'm displaying prices on a DataGridView (on a WinForms application developped in C# on VS 2008). The column type is DataGridViewComboBoxColumn. The DefaultCellStyle.Format property for this column is set to "C2" and the prices are indeed formatted as currency in the cells of this column. However, when the user clicks the ComboB...

WPF ComboBox "option group (optGroup)" type behaviour

I want to have a wpf combobox that displays the dropdown list box with the options grouped under a heading like the <optgroup> behaviour in html. Has anyone seem something like this done before? ...

Set to current item in Combo Box WPF

I am trying to update a MySQL entry in WPF. So I have a list of Tenant names in a combobox and when you click on the Combobox I want to put the first and last name in the textbox. So I have an SelectionChanged event and I try to set a string to cboTenantName.Text which is actually the previous selection and not the current. Now, when I t...

Silverlight 4 Combobox with selectedValue using MVVM-Light

I have recently started using the MVVM-Light toolkit and I am stuck on the following problem: I have a basic Silverlight Combobox that is bound to a viewmodel with an ObservableCollection of type MyUser. The Combobox implements a custom DataTemplate to combine the user’s name and surname. After loading the list of users, how do I set th...

Databinding with Data Template on ComboBox Select Item using LINQ

Hi Folks, I have a little Problem. A SP give me a several list of URL´s. The Urls are binded on a Combobox. When i Select an Item, always the Object comes to the Combobox not the Selected Value, see the code below: <DataTemplate x:Key="Webadressen" DataType="{x:Type src2:GetWebadressenResult}" > <StackPanel> <Label Content="{Bindin...