
Creating 100,000 tcp connections using .NET

I am writing a little Comet server in C#, and to test it I have written a little program that opens a bunch of connections, writes a little text to each of them, and then closes each of them: int basePort = 30000; IPAddress localAddress = new IPAddress( new byte[] { 127, 0, 0, 1 } ); List<Socket> sockets = new List<Socket>(); for( int ...

Passing an array to Javascript in COMET

I got a basic gist of what COMET does (the constant looping on server side, and printing out <script> tags way), so I am just fiddling with it. I can pass a simple string from PHP to Javascript that way, but what about PHP arrays? Is there anyway to pass a PHP array to Javascript (casting it to a JS array??) using this method?? ...

COMET javascript library

I am looking for a simple and reliable Comet javascript library. I want to keep a persistent streaming of data from my server (via PHP script) to the client side. I tried building my own using the iframe technique, but there are lots of issues with safari which I experienced. I am just hoping someone else has created a simple library for...

What is callback polling?

Ok, I am looking to implement COMET, and I stumbled on this page comparing the various options: Under the "Transports", they are using this term "Callback-Polling" - what is callback polling? I know what is normal polling, and long polling, but what is callback polling? ...

Implementing Comet on the database-side

This is more out of curiosity and "for future reference" than anything, but how is Comet implemented on the database-side? I know most implementations use long-lived HTTP requests to "wait" until data is available, but how is this done on the server-side? How does the web server know when new data is available? Does it constantly poll th...

What way of client should I choose for Comet chat?

I am going to implement a Comet chat. It is easy to make a choice for the server side but for the client side--I am really confused: long polling, callback polling, hidden iframe, http streaming, persistent http connection.... I don't know much about the conceptions, and who can help me to make it more clear? I just want to choose the b...

How to display HTML to the browser incrementally over a long period of time?

Do I need to pass back any HTTP headers to tell the browser that my server won't be immediately closing the connection and to display as the HTML is received? Is there anything necessary to get the HTML to incrementally display like flush()? This technique used to be used for things like chat, but I'm thinking about using it for a COMET...

Python Comet Server

I am building a web application that has a real-time feed (similar to Facebook's newsfeed) that I want to update via a long-polling mechanism. I understand that with Python, my choices are pretty much to either use Stackless (building from their Comet wsgi example) or Cometd + Twisted. Unfortunately there is very little documentation reg...

WCF comet and threads

Hi, I'm trying to use WCF to implement a comet style server push to an ajax web application. In my WCF service, I've implemented a WaitForEvents method that calls Monitor.Wait to suspend the thread until new data arrives. At that point, the Monitor is pulsed, and the method returns the new data which closes the comet style request. The...

Which way is best, to implement Comets in a Java Servlet

I want to write an aplication that uses the Comets pattern - that is a request that can be responded to when an event occurs on the server, rather than only as a response to an immediate request. What is the easiest application server to use for this purpose, is it: 1) Tomcat with its NIO package 2) Jetty with its continutations 3) or...

orbited coment server problem

i tried installing orbited on vista . but i get following errror when i try to run the orbited server.When i type on twisted cmd prompt orbited i get following o/p. C:\>orbited Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python26\scripts\", line 8, in load_entry_point('orbited==0.7.9', 'console_scripts', 'orbite...

Possible to do client-side HTTP push?

Pretty much the opposite of server-side push, also known as Comet. I'm wondering if it is possible to use long lived HTTP connections to push information to the server. Unlike a simple XHR, the connection would be kept alive and data would be streamed to the server at intervals, as the user completes actions etc. Using standard techno...

Dojo Comet + Orbited is giving 404

I have <script type="text/javascript"> function setupComet() { dojox.cometd.init("http://comet.domain.tld:8000"); dojox.cometd.subscribe("/my/calendar", cometCallback); } dojo.addOnLoad(setupComet); function cometCallback (msg) { alert(; } </script> Orbited is replying (viewed with firebug): <htm...

What are the drawbacks on the client and back end when using Comet/persistent HTTP connections?

I am developing an application which requires real-time updates to the end user. However, I am not sure of the consequences of having a persistent HTTP connection. Does the browser limit the number of connections one can have? Is it alright for the back end server to have thousands of persistent connections? What happens if I don't us...

Stop the browser "throbber of doom" while loading comet/server push iframe

When using Comet, or Ajax Long Pull techniques - an iframe is usually used. And while that iframe is waiting for the long connection to close, the browser is spinning its throbber (the progress/loading indicator). Some websites, for example, managed to make it stop. How do they do it? ...

gwt Comet easier to implement on jetty or tomcat?

gwt Comet easier to implement on jetty or tomcat? ...

long polling vs streaming for about 1 update/second

is streaming a viable option? will there be a performance difference on the server end depending on which i choose? is one better than the other for this case? I am working on a GWT application with Tomcat running on the server end. To understand my needs, imagine updating the stock prices of several stocks concurrently. ...

Implementing COMET clientside

I have read up about what COMET streaming is, and all the various hacks required to get it working across the major browsers. The problems encountered seem to be two fold: 1. Server being able to support many persistent connections 2. Implementing the JS functionality I have an application where I need to perform COMET streaming. I have...

Why does Comet need chunked-encoding response?

I read some articles about Comet tech. All of them mentioned that the long-life HTTP response should be Transfer-Encoding: chunked . I'm wondering why it should be chunked-encoded. If the response is not chunked-encoded, the client javascript can still read and parse the responded text, right? Is there any special reason that Comet resp...

How does facebook, gmail send the real time notification?

I have read some posts about this topic and the answers are comet, reverse ajax, http streaming, server push, etc. I would like to...