
python location of the running program on windows

I have an python application that need to know in which directory it founded when it run, how can i know the running application path on windows for example when i change the directory path is changed to the new directory . is there a way to know where is the python application run withour saving it on the beginning by os.path.abspath(...

How do i pass command line arguments to Xcode project through AppleScript?

I am trying to set command line arguments for Xcode project related to iPhone Simulator Application. When i try to run the following script the line "make new launch argument with properties{name:"file:///Users/aakash/Desktop/sample_h.html",active:yes} " gives error: execution error: Xcode got an error: Can’t make or move that element...

Command line switches out of order

Hey all - I'm working on a C++ program that accepts a filename as a command line input, reads a bunch of data from that file, computes two things about the data, then exits. One of those computations must be done, but the other is much more optional, so I thought it would be neat to add a -c flag to turn it off. Naively, I would just a...

using curl or wget commandline to download files

Hi all, I apologize if this question was asked earlier and if its a simple one. I am trying to download a file from http website onto my unix machine using command line.I log onto this website using a username and password. Say I have this link (not a working link)

parsing a curl in the command line

I have this: curl -H \"api_key:{key}\" How do I parse this (within the commandline) to make it take whatever's in between <text> and </text> in this page? ...

Python: Run function from the command line

Say in my file i have: def hello(): return 'Hi :)' How would I run this from the command line? ...

bash: extract double from string

hello I have this string in bash: str=sdk.iphoneos4.1.sdk and I would like to have a variable with '4.1' in it is there any way to parse a float/double value in bash ? ...

Run a solution in debug mode if MSBuild compilation is successful from the command line

I am looking to improve my personal development process. I would like to create a batch file or similar that I can run from Windows PowerShell or the plain-old command line that does the following: Compiles my solution (e.g. C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe /m:8 "%CD%\MySolution.sln") If the compilation was successfu...

Parameter length too long

I have a java program, and I need to pass to its main method a parameter that has a length of 8k characters. So when I try to execute this program passing that parameter, It just doesn't execute, but no error message is shown. How can I execute correctly that program? ...

Suddenly getting this SVN error...

Why the hell would I suddenly be getting this svn error when I try to import files into my repo? What does it even have to do with notepad++? Thanks :) C:\xampp\htdocs\projects\lab>svn import c:/wordpress 'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, oper...

A script that deletes all tables in Hbase

I can tell hbase to disable and delete particular tables using: disable 'tablename' delete 'tablename' But I want to delete all the tables in the database without hardcoding the names of any of the tables. Is there a way to do this? I want to do this through the command-line utility ./hbase shell, not through Java or Thrift. ...

bash navigating to the earliest/latest command in history when you're in the middle of your history

Say I am in a bash terminal and have a large history of commands. I pressed the up arrow a whole bunch of times and am in the "middle" of the history. I want to now navigate to the first or the last command in my history quickly (without holding down the up or the down arrow for a long time). Is this possible? If so, what is the shortcut...

How to clear a process command line?

I would like to clear the command line of my process from within. For example, when viewing my process in Task Manager/Process Explorer, the command line entry would be empty. I would like to do this within the currently running process rather than restarting the process if possible. ...

Run JUnit Test suite from command line

How do I run a Junit 4.8.1 Test suite from command line ? Also I want to use the categories introduces with JUnit 4.8 , is there a way where I can specify from command line the category which I want to run. ...

Execute Unit Tests using MsBuild command line

I use scripting for this: "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\TF.exe" get $/DmlOnDemmand /recursive /force /noprompt And I build solution .sln call %msBuildDir%\msbuild %solutionName% /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=%buildType% Now, I would like execute all Unit Tests and check all is OK. How can I execute unit t...

Netstat on Nexus one?

Hello, Im trying to run the netstat command on nexus one, its returning empty entries: Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State can anyone help me figure out this problem? thanks! ...

Package command line tool with Cocoa app?

Disclaimer: Cocoa newbie here. I wrote an app with a Cocoa GUI that acts as a wrapper for a command line tool. The problem is the tool does not come standard with OS X. Thus, you have to install the command line tool first before using the Cocoa app, or else the app won't function. Can anyone point me to some documentation (hopefu...

Help flags with Console App

Hi I'm using Visual Studio C# Express 2010 to make a console application. I've implemented the 'commands' as if sections in the Prompt method calling a command method, eg if (line == "help") { Help(); } That gives you a help page on my program. If it needs cleaning up that's fine. What I'm try...

Change how Python Cmd Module handles autocompletion

I have a Cmd console set up to auto-complete card names for a Magic: the Gathering collection management system. It uses the text parameter to query the database for cards, and uses the results to auto-complete/suggest cards. However, these cards names have multiple words, and Cmd runs auto-completion from the last space to the end of ...

What kind of variable is ARGV in ruby?

From what I have read ARGV should be a constant since it is all uppercase, but I was able to write a quick program that changed one of the values in ARGV without error. So what type of variable is ARGV? p ARGV ARGV[0] = "Not the orginal" p ARGV ...